1Tongue-Eating Louse

The tongue-eating louse is a parasite that enters a fish through the gills and attaches itself to the fish's tongue. After severing the blood vessels in the fish's tongue, the tongue just falls off. It then attaches itself to the stub of what was once its tongue and becomes the fish’s new tongue. Fish companies do look for these parasites, but sometimes they slip through the control system. A Belfast man had the shock of his life when preparing his dinner. When he was cleaning a fish, its mouth opened and the disgusting looking tongue-eating louse popped out like the tongue of the monster from Alien.
2. The Akodessewa Fetish Market in West Africa has everything you will ever need for your voodoo rituals. Voodoo practitioners believe any problems can be remedied using these items. The market is lined with shops showcasing piles of heads, tails, skins, and limbs of various animals. Locals who run out of options visit these markets in search of solutions. If you’re not into getting skull powder rubbed into your flesh, the sellers will surely get under your skin and make you buy at least a souvenir.
3. Set up in the 1950s, Dounreay nuclear research facilities were ordered to be decommissioned by the UK Government in 2005. One of the facilities was an experimental chemical plant built to recycle plutonium liquor. Cleaning the pipes and vessels in the facility proved to be a costly affair and an immense health hazard. At their wits' end, they tested household cleaner Cillit Bang and were surprised to find that it worked faster and did a better job than the expensive cleaner they were using. The contamination levels of each component also dropped significantly after being cleaned with Cillit Bang.
4. In 2013, a woman in Brazil confessed to trying to kill her husband by putting poison in her vagina and urging him to have oral sex with her. Her husband refused to grant her a divorce and she figured that the next best option was to get rid of him permanently. He became suspicious when he noticed an unusual odor emanating from her private parts. Fearing she was unwell, he took her to hospital. Medical tests revealed she had doused her vagina with enough poison to kill both her husband and herself.
5. In the '90s, Marilyn Manson is rumored to have created a film titled “Groupie” and it allegedly shows a fan being tortured by Marilyn and Twiggy (Jeordie White). The footage is said to have been captured on a handheld camcorder and the video apparently involves torture, weapons, and bloodshed. Officially, only Manson, Tony Ciulla, and Andy Dick have seen the film and Andy Dick said the film made him feel uncomfortable. A small clip of the video is said to exist at the end of Manson's documentary ‘Dead to the World.’
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
6Kelvin Santos

In 2012, a 2-year-old Boy in Brazil named Kelvin Santos was pronounced dead after a bout of pneumonia. He was placed in an airtight body bag for 3 hours. When the family gathered for an open casket later that day, Kelvin’s aunt noted that he appeared to move before he sat up and asked his father for water. The family thought they were getting a second chance, but the boy’s body immediately fell back into the casket and he couldn’t be revived in spite of being taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead a second time.
7. Due to the non-availability of proper access to sanitary facilities in the heavily populated slums of Kenya’s capital Nairobi, one of the most commonly used methods of waste disposal is the “flying toilet”. A flying toilet is little more than a plastic bag that is defecated in and then hurled away in ditches or on the roadside or as far as possible. During rains water contaminated with excrement can enter residences; some children even swim in it and such close contact leads to fears of diseases such as diarrhea, skin disorders, typhoid fever, and malaria.
8. A Californian woman bit the bullet in 2004 and we mean literally, in fact, she bit two. When she was eating a hot dog from a local Costco, she suddenly found chewing metal in her mouth. Closer inspection revealed a 9mm bullet inside the hotdog. She was lucky as bullets can sometimes explode from such an impact. When she later visited the doctor for stomach pain, x-rays revealed another 9mm bullet in her stomach which she swallowed without noticing. It later passed out the usual way. A police investigation was unable to solve how two bullets got into hotdogs. Even the Costco CEO said the incident is “regrettable, but difficult to understand.”
9. In 2004, a 14-year-old Manchester boy was stabbed in what seemed like a robbery gone wrong. The case became weirder as details began to emerge. The attacker was found to be his former best friend who was 15. Both of them fell in love with the same woman. Investigation revealed the woman to be a middle-aged spy whom they both met in chat rooms. It came out that the younger friend was in love with the older boy. The older boy then divulged that the woman had ordered the murder. Further investigation of the woman revealed that she did not exist at all. Finally, it came out that the 14-year-old pretended to be the woman who had sent 50,000 messages between the three of them for nothing more than a perverse suicide bid.
10. Leonard Jones was a Kentucky politician who was born in Kentucky in 1797. He repeatedly ran for President of the United States and Governor of Kentucky, citing that he'd achieved immortality through prayer and fasting and could give his secrets for cheating death to the public. He obviously didn’t do enough of these two, because he died from pneumonia on August 30, 1868, at the age of 71.
11Smothered to Death

In January 2013, police were called to a trailer park in Washington after residents heard fighting from a neighbor’s home. When police arrived, they found Donna Marie Lange apparently passed out on her boyfriend with her breasts completely smothering his face. He was smothered to death with her breasts. Witnesses heard him screaming for Lange to get off, and investigators discovered clumps of her hair in his dead hands. Lange was charged with second-degree murder.
12. In 2012, a wealthy Nigerian businessman named Uroko Onoja was trying to getting it on with his youngest wife, when his other five wives burst in with sticks and knives demanding that he satiate their urges first. After a few rolls in the sack, it was the penultimate wife’s turn when he collapsed and died, presumably of cardiac arrest brought about by exhaustion. Reports state he was raped to death and two of the wives were arrested.
13. An unnamed couple met each other and immediately felt an “inevitable attraction” to one another. They started a romantic relationship together, which eventually led to them getting married. Soon after their wedding, it came to light that they were in fact twins separated at birth. The courts annulled the British couple's union after they discovered their true relationship.
14. 'Come and See' was a 1985 film from the Soviet Union that told the story of shell-shocked victims of the Third Reich’s invasion of the USSR. Director Elem Klimov used real guns during the filming of this movie and loaded them with live ammunition instead of blanks to make the movie more realistic. Lead actor Aleksey Kravchenko described how bullets came within inches of his head during filming.
15. In 2004, an Indiana woman named Mary Anderson put on eBay a haunted ‘Ghost Cane’ for sale. Though eBay at that time rejected ‘intangible items such as spirits or souls,’ because Ms. Anderson made it clear she was only selling the cane so that her son would no longer freak out, the item was accepted for bidding. The cane reached 132 bids and was sold for $65,000 to the Golden Palace casino in Antigua which had also added to its collection, a $28,000 grilled cheese sandwich which was said to bear the image of the Virgin Mary.

Everyone currently has hemorrhoids. They’re just not inflamed. St. Fiarce is the patron saint of hemorrhoids. He miraculously cured his inflamed anus by placing it upon a blessed rock. The stone survives to this day, imprinted with his holy hole, and many still flock to it hoping to cure themselves. It was once believed that if a person did not pray to St. Fiacre, they’d suffer from hemorrhoids. To treat them, the monks put a red-hot iron up the anus. To never experience inflamed hemorrhoids in your life, you should avoid sitting on the toilet for too long, straining, and holding your breath while making bowel movements.
17. Trepanning is the surgical process of drilling a small hole in the skull to increase blood flow to the brain. Regarded as a pseudoscience, many believe it can elevate consciousness and bring back a childhood state of imagination and perception. About 5-10% of surviving Stone Age skulls have holes in them from trepanning. Needless to say, such exposure of the brain to airborne germs would often be fatal. Even John Lennon tried to convince Paul McCartney to drill a hole in his skull explaining “All you’d have to do is just bore a little hole in your skull and it lets the pressure off.”
18. Johana, a model, who was just days away from her 20th birthday was found dead in 2010. Her body was found in a field near Pico Truncado, in Argentina. She had been shot twice in the head. Her former boyfriend Victor Cingolani was convicted of Johana’s murder and sentenced to 13 years in jail. Another woman named Edith Casas ended up marrying Victor in 2013, while he was still incarcerated for the murder of Johana. Edith Casas was the twin sister of Johana Casas and despite Edith’s parents intervening and courts demanding her mental evaluation, she went ahead with marrying her twin sister’s murderer.
19. Every five years artist Mark Quinn makes a bust of his head using his own frozen blood. Each cast takes 10 pints of blood which is collected from his body over a period of five months before being frozen. There is one specimen on permanent refrigerated display at the National Portrait Gallery in London.
20. All it really takes is one freak accident at some point in the manufacturing process and you may end up with teeth in your food. Human teeth have been found in canned food, sausages, and ice creams. An Australian man nearly choked on a gold tooth in his Mars bar. One man sued Kraft Foods in 2006 for making him physically and mentally ill. He said his symptoms started when he bit into a large rodent tooth that was in hiding in his Planter’s peanuts.

A trichobezoar is a medical term for a damp wad of undigested hair, moistened by bile and other digestive fluids also known as a hairball. Though uncommon in humans, hairballs have been reported and often associated with trichotillomania (compulsive hair-pulling). In 2014, a teenage girl in Kyrgyzstan had to undergo a surgery to remove a 9-pound hairball from her stomach. She had a nasty habit of picking up hair from the carpet and eating it. In another case, in 2012, doctors in India removed a hairball weighing nearly four pounds from the stomach of a 19-year-old girl.
22. Japan is home to the world’s only parasite museum. It houses one of the most extreme parasites ever discovered by medical science, the longest tapeworm. The 8.8-meter (28 ft) Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense was removed from the stomach of a Japanese man who complained of stomach pains after eating trout. Alongside the display, is a piece of rope with an identical length and girth so that visitors can have tactile aid to see just how terrifyingly long it is.
23. In 2008, a man named Kory McFarren called on the authorities in Wichita, Kansas stating there was “something wrong” with his girlfriend. When the authorities arrived, they were horrified to find 35-year-old Pam Babcock who had been sitting on her boyfriend’s toilet for over two years. Her skin had grown around the seat. Paramedics were forced to remove the seat which was surgically removed at the hospital. Though her boyfriend maintained that due to her tough childhood, she felt safe in the bathroom and never left, he was sentenced to 6 months of probation for waiting so long to seek help.
24. British physiologist Joseph Barcroft known for his studies on blood oxygenation never hesitated to use himself as a test subject. He once gassed himself to an atmosphere of poisonous hydrogen cyanide for a full 10 minutes and survived. The dog with him lasted only 95 seconds before dying. To find the minimum oxygen level needed to survive, he lived in an oxygen level found at 4,900 meters for a week, causing his whole body to turn blue. He once locked himself in a refrigerated chamber to test the effects of freezing. He chose to stay until he became unconscious and had to be rescued. He discovered that at a certain point close to lethal hypothermia, the human body begins to feel warm rather than freezing cold.
25. The Al Ubaid archeological site in Iraq has yielded numerous objects from a pre-Sumerian time called the Ubaid period (5900–4000 B.C.). Some of the objects found here depict strange, lizard-like humanoid figures in unique, unceremonious poses that seem to indicate they were not gods. These statues have been drawn into stories and theories of reptilian aliens that used to roam the earth. Although this seems unlikely, their true nature remains a mystery.