Art of Cinema: 50 Hidden Movie Details Revealed – Part 7

41Peter Griffin vs. Chicken in Ted 2

Peter Griffin vs. Chicken in Ted 2

In "Ted 2" (2015), you can see Peter Griffin fighting a chicken in the background in one of the scenes. In "Family Guy," the ongoing fight between the two is a running gag that has continued for a long time, with their fights becoming longer and more outrageous. In one of these gags, they bump into each other and fight for 3-5 minutes in a parody of action movie final battles and man-to-man movie fights, while epic disasters explode all around them.

42Super Troopers' Family Surprise

Super Troopers' Family Surprise

The couple that Farva (Kevin Heffernan) calls "chicken-fu*ker" and squawks at during a traffic stop in "Super Troopers" (2001) were Heffernan's real-life parents. Their reactions during the scene are genuine, as they had no idea what he was going to say prior to it being filmed.

43James Gunn's Parents in Guardians 2

James Gunn's Parents in Guardians 2

In "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" (2018), the old couple taking photos are the parents of James Gunn. They are credited as "Weird Old Man" and "Weird Old Man's Mistress."

44Anne Hathaway's Unscripted Fall

Anne Hathaway's Unscripted Fall

In "The Princess Diaries" (2001), the scene where Mia trips and falls in the bleachers wasn't part of the script. Anne Hathaway had accidentally slipped in a puddle. Director Garry Marshall liked it so much that he decided to keep it in the movie.

45La La Land's Body Double Scene

La La Land's Body Double Scene

In "La La Land" (2016), as Sebastian and Mia walk through the studio lot, they pass by two actors filming a romantic scene. Those two actors are actually Ryan Gosling's and Emma Stone's body doubles.

46Michael Giacchino's Coco Cameo

Michael Giacchino's Coco Cameo

In "Coco" (2017), the conductor of the final concert is based on composer Michael Giacchino, who created the music for the movie.

47The Matrix's Oracle Reference

The Matrix's Oracle Reference

In "The Matrix" (1999), the Oracle's outfit and kitchen are a reference to Michelangelo's Delphic Sibyl painting, which depicted a Greek oracular figure.

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48Taika Waititi's Shake Weight

Taika Waititi's Shake Weight

In "Thor: Ragnarok" (2017), Skurge's shake weight actually belongs to director Taika Waititi. He bought it while filming "Green Lantern" in 2011 and jokes that it's a "DC crossover."

49Pink Floyd Reference in Parasite

Pink Floyd Reference in Parasite

In "Parasite" (2019), Mr. Park's company is called 'Another Brick.' This is a reference to Pink Floyd's song "Another Brick in the Wall." They were Bong Joon Ho's favorite band in college.

50Finding Nemo's Incredibles Connection

Finding Nemo's Incredibles Connection

In one scene in "Finding Nemo," which came out in 2003, a kid can be seen reading a Mr. Incredible comic. "The Incredibles" movie would only come out a year later.

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