Art of Cinema: 50 Hidden Movie Details Revealed – Part 7

11Billy Madison's Dodgeball Controversy

Billy Madison's Dodgeball Controversy

For the dodgeball scene in "Billy Madison" (1995), Adam really hit the kids as hard as he could because, according to him, "hurting kids is funny." The director cut right before they started crying, and some of the parents got upset with him.

12Anastasia's Painting Inspiration

Anastasia's Painting Inspiration

The drawing that Anastasia gives to her grandmother in the 1997 film "Anastasia" is based on a 1914 painting by the real Princess Anastasia.

13Elizabeth Hanks in Forrest Gump

Elizabeth Hanks in Forrest Gump

In "Forrest Gump" (1994), the girl on the bus who refuses to let Forrest sit next to her is played by Elizabeth Hanks, the daughter of Tom Hanks.

14Monsters Inc.'s Nemo Surprise

Monsters Inc.'s Nemo Surprise

In "Monsters, Inc.," released in 2001, Boo tries to give Sully a Nemo doll. "Finding Nemo" wouldn't come out until 2003.

15Taylor Swift's Cats in Deadpool 2

Taylor Swift's Cats in Deadpool 2

In "Deadpool 2" (2018), Wade wears a shirt that says, "Olivia & Meredith. Best Friends Purrrr-ever." The two cats actually belong to Taylor Swift, and the production crew had to get permission from her to use their photos.

16Zoolander's Ad-Libbed Comedy

Zoolander's Ad-Libbed Comedy

One of the funniest lines in "Zoolander" (2001) was ad-libbed. JP Prewitt (David Duchovny) spends a full minute explaining why male models are being used for evil. Stiller forgot his next line, so he repeated, "But why male models?" Duchovny rolled with it, saying, "Are you serious? I just told you that!"

17Mulan's Mimicked Habit

Mulan's Mimicked Habit

In "Mulan" (1998), Mulan touches her hair a lot because the animators noticed that Mulan's voice actor, Ming-Na Wen, touched her hair a lot while recording. So, they added it to the character.

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18Aviation Gin in Free Guy

Aviation Gin in Free Guy

In one scene of "Free Guy" (2021), you can see a bottle of gin labeled "Subtle Product Placement." This is actually a bottle of Aviation Gin, a company that Ryan Reynolds, who played the movie's leading man, owns in part.

19Soul's Population Reference

Soul's Population Reference

In "Soul" (2020), the first soul assigned is numbered 108,210,121,415. This lines up with the current estimate from the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), which estimates that more than 108 billion humans have existed on Earth.

20Dobby the Model in Chip 'n Dale

Dobby the Model in Chip 'n Dale

In "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers" (2022), you can see in one frame of the movie that Dobby the House Elf became a model for Gucci after the Harry Potter series wrapped.

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