50 Surprising Human Body Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

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26 Hair texture

Hair texture

Hair texture is caused by follicle shape. Round follicles grow straight hair, flat follicles grow curly hair.

27. Stepping on a strand of hair can potentially allow it to embed itself deep into your skin causing a lot of pain. This is called a hair splinter.

28. Men who do not have chest hair are deficient in a particular androgen or male hormones.

29. Shaving your pubic hair increases the risk for STD’s because shaving causes many fine cuts in the skin near your genitals, giving more access points for viruses and bacteria to enter your system.

30. Geneticists have figured out the time that evolving humans lost their primate body hair by using mitochondrial DNA to calculate the date that head lice evolution diverged from that of pubic lice. DNA comparisons between the human head louse and pubic louse indicate a common ancestor about 12 million years ago.

31 Balding probability

Balding probability

The more likely a man can grow a beard, the greater the risk he will go bald.

32. Modern biologists have reaffirmed the role of sexual selection in the evolution of beards, concluding that there is evidence that a preponderance of females finds mates with beards more attractive than mates without beards.

33. Strangling and choking are not the same things. Strangling cuts off blood flow through the neck while choking cuts off air flow.

34. The reason perfume is applied to necks and wrists, with behind the knees being the most ideal location, is because these are pulse points that will warm the perfume and release fragrance continuously.

35. Your nose is always visible to you. Your brain ignores it through a process called Unconscious Selective Attention.

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36 Emotional nose

Emotional nose

You have holes in your bottom eyelids. The punctum drains excess tears into your nose, which is why your nose runs when you cry.

37. The space extending from your nose to the center of your lips is called the Philtrum. It serves no function in humans but allows other mammals to carry moisture from the mouth to the nose pad to keep it wet which traps odor particles better than a dry nose pad.

38. Farts smell worse in the shower because our nose works better in high heat and humidity.

39. Your nose constantly goes through “nasal cycles” where the 2 nasal cavities alternate being partially congested to enhance your sense of smell and help lighten the workload.

40. Picking your nose and eating it may be beneficial to your immune system.

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41 Sinus Clearance

Sinus Clearance

An orgasm can clear up your sinuses. This is because your body gets a rush of adrenaline when you have an orgasm, which causes tissues in the nose to shrink, opening up passageways.

42. Your nose runs when it’s cold because the blood vessels get more blood to keep your nose warm. This causes the blood vessels to dilate and they produce more mucus.

43. Bloodhounds get 10 times more neuronal information from their nose than humans get from their eyes.

44. 20% of the genetic material in a typical human nasal swab is a biological dark matter that cannot be attributed to any of the existing categories of living organisms on Earth (bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes).

45. Federico da Montefeltro, fifteenth-century duke of Urbino, after having lost one eye in a tournament had his surgeons successfully amputate the bridge of his nose to widen his field of view.

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46 Nose hair

Nose hair

If you pluck a nose hair, only the eye on the same side will tear up.

47. Blowing your nose when you have a cold reduces your chances of getting infected with a cough.

48. Humans are the sweatiest primates alive. We have up to five million sweat glands producing a maximum of three gallons of sweat per day. The production of sweat glands is inversely related to the production of hair, and the evolutionary loss of our hair is connected to our success as a species.

49. Like fingerprints, ears are considered to be very unique and can be used to identify people.

50. People of African and European ethnicity usually have the wet type of ear wax. Nearly all people of Native American and East Asian ethnicity have the dry type of ear wax.

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