1 Snowvember storm

In August 2015, nine months following the North American “Snowvember” storm, there was a 25-30% spike in the number of babies born in Buffalo, New York.
2 Orange snow

In 2007, Siberia experienced orange snow. It was most likely caused by a heavy sandstorm in neighboring Kazakhstan. Tests on the snow revealed numerous sand and clay dust particles and high iron content, which were blown into Russia from the upper stratosphere.
3 Stormcloud

An average cloud weighs 216,000 pounds. An average storm cloud weighs 105.8 million pounds.
4 Tornadoes

The United States experiences approximately 75% of all tornadoes in the world.
5 Hurricane Harvey

During Hurricane Harvey, the National Weather Service had to add two new colors to the rain accumulation map as the old color key topped out at an amount of rain they never before thought would fall.
6 100-year flood

The term “100-year flood” doesn’t mean a flood that happens once in a hundred years. It’s actually a flood that has 1% chance of happening within a single year.
7 Lightning

Lightning serves an important role in the nitrogen cycle by oxidizing diatomic nitrogen in the air into nitrates which are deposited by rain and can fertilize the growth of plants and other organisms.
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8 Yungay avalanche

Yungay, Peru was the site of the deadliest avalanche in recorded history. In 1962, two American scientists predicted the calamity and were consequently forced to flee by the government. About 8 years later, their prediction came true and 20,000 people were killed in a day.
9 Ash Wednesday bushfires

In 1983, survivors of Australia’s infamous “Ash Wednesday” bushfires reported houses exploding before the fire could touch them due to the air pressure change, steaks found cooked well-done in deep freezers, a car moved 90 meters from the cyclonic firestorm and sand turned to glass.
10 Snow

It rarely ever snows in Antarctica. Snow in Antarctica has accumulated over millions of years and the temperature there never rises enough for the snow to melt.