1 Tomb 55

Tomb 55 was discovered in 1905 by archeologists while working in Valley of the Kings in Egypt. Though the tomb was from a period when burials were highly ritualized and defined, both the tomb’s history and the identification of its single occupant have been problematic. The coffin was made for a woman but altered for a man and a beard was added. The golden death mask was purposely broken, making identification difficult. DNA testing shows the mummy is related to Tutankhamen, but also that it was a young man in his early twenties, ruling out Tut’s father. This could though be the mysterious Smenkhkare, who also, possibly, was Tut’s father, or perhaps the uncle, of Tutankhamen.
2 Unknown Speaker

The signing of the Declaration of Independence by any man would result in gruesome torture and death by the British Colonialists. With every argument put forward by America’s founding fathers, there were shouts of ‘Treason!! Treason!!!’. It was then that an unknown man arose, dressed in a black cape, to deliver a stirring oration. His speech went on for some time and it struck such a chord that the fathers then descended into a frenzy to sign the document, and, within a few minutes, the Declaration was born. However, when the signers turned to congratulate the man, he had simply vanished. Nobody knew who he was or where he went.
3 Babushka Lady

The Babushka Lady was an unknown woman present during the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy who might have photographed the events that occurred in Dallas’s Dealey Plaza. Even after the shooting when most people had fled the area, she remained in place and continued to film. The FBI publically requested that the woman come forward and give them the footage she shot but she never did.
4 Oannes

Sumer was an ancient civilization founded in the Mesopotamia region of the Fertile Crescent situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. A Sumerian priest named Berossus recorded how an amphibian, named Oannes, emerged from the Persian Gulf and taught the Sumerians numbers, medicine, astronomy, politics, ethics and law, encompassing all the necessities for civilized existence. He said that before his intervention, the Sumerians ‘lived like beasts in the field, with no order or rule.’
5 Curious Case of Jacqueline Priestman

Jacqueline Priestman is a British woman from Manchester who became notable for the way electronics behaved around her. Her ordeal started in 1980 after her husband died following an argument they had. She cursed him saying “I hope you break your neck!” That’s exactly how he died. Sometime later light bulbs in her house started exploding when she was around. Her vacuum cleaner kept burning out. Other electrical appliances went haywire around her and some appliance stores even banned her. When a visiting professor examined her, he found her to suffer from an extreme build-up of static electricity (10 times the normal). He recommended a special diet and walking around the house holding onions to discharge electricity. Her symptoms slowly diminished, however when her daughter was born in 1985, she too started exhibiting symptoms of High Voltage Syndrome. The exact reason behind her strange symptoms still remains unsolved.
6 Real-Life Vampire

The original vampire legends originated from a dead man named Arnold Paole in Serbia, way before Vlad the Impaler became the archetype for vampires. In 1726, Arnold Paole died in the village of Meduegna in Serbia. After his death when people started seeing his undead body, officials called for the help of two Austrian military doctors, Glaser and Flückinger. The investigation and report produced by them confirmed the existence of vampires. The report said that Arnold’s dead body was responsible for the deaths of four people. When his corpse was dug up it was “quite complete and undecayed, with fresh blood from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.” They staked his heart and burned his body. Five years later, the deaths of 17 people were attributed to Paole and vampirism.
7 Mysterious Golden Mask

In 1876, a controversial archaeologist and conman named Heinrich Schliemann wanted to uncover the true location of the legendary city of Troy and began the excavation of Mycenae, an archaeological site in Greece. Here he believed he would uncover the graves of the great Mycenaean kings. He found six graves containing 19 bodies all of whom were surrounded by treasures: medallions, goblets, ivory-pommeled swords, rings, and the so-called “Cup of Nester.” In the 5th grave, he found a golden mask, which he instantly claimed was the mask of the legendary king Agamemnon. His findings were quickly dismissed as fake and forgery. Modern research though revealed the mask to be authentic and predating Trojan War by 300-400 years and some estimates put it at approximately 2500 B.C. So, for whom was this incredible mask made?
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
8 The Unknown Man

In 2013, a man in Toronto was arrested for committing over $400,000 in fraud. He claimed to be ‘Herman Emmanuel Fankem’, a French national living in Montreal. When the Canadian authorities contacted the French, it was found his passport was fake and they had no record of him. Further investigations uncovered other instances of him appearing in nearly 11 countries over the years under several more aliases. Being completely uncooperative, he refuses to answer any questions about his identity or past. Unable to identify him, the Canadian government can’t deport him, leaving him in limbo in a max security prison. He was scheduled to testify publicly in 2019 before the Immigration and Refugee Board, but at the last minute, the hearing was made private with no media or public allowed. Under Canadian law, any of these hearings are to take place in public unless under extraordinary circumstances. Still to this day, he refuses to reveal his true identity.
9 Pope Exorcism

In 2000, Pope John Paul II himself had to carry out an impromptu exorcism on a 19-year-old girl after she began “screaming insults in a cavernous voice” during an audience with Pope in the Vatican City. Pope and Father Gabriele Amorth (Vatican’s official exorcist) sat with the girl for half an hour and despite their best efforts, she remained possessed. She muttered “not even the head of the church can send me away” as the Pope walked off, defeated.
10 London Grave Beast

Archaeologists in London were excavating the graveyard of St. Pancras Old Church in 2003, in preparation for the construction of a rail terminal. It was the site of mass graves holding the bodies of 44,000 people, who were victims of a number of epidemics during the 19th century. When scientists opened up one particular coffin, they found the remains of eight people and a sizeable beast, which turned out to be a walrus. No one knows how it got to London or why it was buried there.
#39 would be more credible if it did not list Dwight Eisenhower as President in 1946, a full 6 years before the fact.
Shut up Flanders!
RE: Fact #6 (Real-Life Vampire) – Vlad the Impaler was 300 years before this guy.