1 Up
In Up (2009) the color pink was used to represent Ellie. After her funeral, Carl returned to their house and pink slowly faded from the shot.
2 Hercules
In Hercules (1997) when Hercules first walks into Phil’s cabin he hits his head on the mast of the Argo. In the original myth, Jason, the captain of the Argo, was killed when the mast hit his head.
3 The Incredibles
In The Incredibles (2004) Frozone isn’t using a pet name in the line “Honey, where’s my super suit?” – it’s his wife’s first name.
4 The Little Mermaid
In ‘The Little Mermaid’ (1989) Ursula uses a butterfly (a symbol of transformation and mimicry) in the potion to transform herself into ‘Vanessa’ – which is a genus of butterfly.
5 Coco
In Coco when Miguel is about to cross the border to the land of the dead a skeleton that looks like Pablo Escobar is handing a small (possibly illegal) package to another skeleton who is about to cross the border.
6 Aladdin
In Aladdin, the Genie writes Aladdin’s order from right to left, which is how Arabic would be actually written.
7 Toy Story
In Pixar’s 1995 Toy Story, the next launch timer in Pizza Planet is a count down until Woody lights the fuse on Buzz’s Rocket in the end.
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8 Finding Nemo
The dentist in ‘Finding Nemo’ (2003) emerges from the bathroom immediately after flushing and goes to work in his patient’s mouth without washing his hands.
9 Frozen
At the end of “Frozen”, Disney included a statement about Kristoff’s belief that all men eat their own boogers.
10 Monster’s Inc
In Monster’s Inc (2001) Mike has 3 sticky note reminders to file his paperwork in his locker, which he later forgets to do, driving the plot of the movie.
Studio Ghibli is distributed by Disney, and therefore considered Disney.
THANK you ❤️
Wow loved this facts! Some of my favourites and I haven’t a clue about the secret messages/images in them.
Why is that that at least 10 of those I knew, I’m scared, am I smart..? ?
alladin:jenie is writing:بوقلمون پلوwhich means turkey and rice in persian♥
Oo i am never going to a dentist at Sidney lol
Pull the lever Kronk! WRONG LEVER! Why do we even HAVE that lever?!