20 Controversial Cosmetic Procedures Making Waves in Beauty

11Toe-Besity and Foot Aesthetics

Toe-Besity and Foot Aesthetics

"Toe-Besity" is a niche cosmetic procedure that focuses on altering the appearance of one's toes, often driven by aesthetic concerns. This unconventional practice typically involves surgical interventions to address perceived issues such as "fat" or unattractive toe shapes. During toe-besity surgery, a podiatrist or foot surgeon may trim excess tissue or even reshape the bone to create a slimmer and more aesthetically pleasing toe. While it aims to enhance the visual appeal of the feet, toe-besity procedures come with inherent surgical risks, including the possibility of infection, scarring, and complications from anesthesia. Critics, including many medical professionals, emphasize the importance of considering the potential downsides and the preservation of foot functionality when contemplating such cosmetic alterations."

12Stem Cell Cosmetics: Potential Risks

Stem Cell Cosmetics: Potential Risks

Stem Cell Cosmetics is an emerging and somewhat controversial field in the beauty and skincare industry that harnesses the potential of stem cells for facial rejuvenation. Stem cells are versatile cells with the ability to transform into various cell types and are naturally involved in tissue repair within the body. In this cosmetic procedure, patients typically have a small amount of their own fat removed through liposuction, from which stem cells are isolated and then re-injected into their facial tissue to address wrinkles and signs of aging. While proponents of stem cell cosmetics tout their regenerative potential, their effectiveness is still under scrutiny, as the behavior of these newly introduced stem cells remains unpredictable. Additionally, the procedure's safety and long-term effects are subjects of concern, as evidenced by cases of adverse outcomes such as the development of bone in unusual locations. As this field is relatively new and not widely regulated, careful consideration and consultation with medical professionals are essential for those contemplating stem cell cosmetic treatments.

13Height Alteration via Leg Surgery

Height Alteration via Leg Surgery

While there are countless cosmetic procedures available, altering one's height has historically been an unchangeable aspect of a person's physical appearance. However, a surgical technique called limb lengthening surgery has emerged to address this longing for extra height, allowing individuals to potentially gain up to three inches. The procedure, however, reads like a nightmare, involving the slicing open of the legs and cutting the thigh bones into two. Metal rods and screws are implanted within the bones and connected to external metal braces. Patients are then given a remote control to expand the metal rod by a millimeter each day, painfully tearing the femur apart and forcibly stretching the legs. This self-inflicted agony continues for up to three months, followed by another surgery and a six-month rehabilitation period. The procedure is regarded with skepticism even in Western countries, given its painful and risky nature, with China, the originator of the technique, even banning it.

14Tittooing: Nipple Tattooing Trend

Tittooing: Nipple Tattooing Trend

Tittooing, a practice that pushes the boundaries of body modification, involves darkening and defining the appearance of the nipples, aiming to provide a more aesthetically pleasing look. In contrast to the past, when tattoos were primarily associated with bikers and sailors, they are now popular and accepted by people from all walks of life, including sorority girls. Cosmetic tattooing is not entirely novel, with procedures like eyebrow and lip enhancements being relatively common. However, a peculiar trend has emerged in the UK, where women seek to accentuate their nipples. Over a dozen salons now offer this treatment, and its popularity continues to grow. The process typically involves the application of local anesthesia, followed by the addition of a pigment that complements the patient's skin tone. To maintain the desired appearance, individuals may schedule follow-up appointments every year and a half.

15Brazilian Butt Lifts and Risks

Brazilian Butt Lifts and Risks

Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs), a cosmetic procedure that has gained immense popularity in recent years, involve transferring fat from one part of the body to the buttocks to achieve a fuller and shapelier appearance. However, what sets BBLs apart from many other cosmetic treatments is a sobering and alarming fact: they possess the highest mortality rate of any cosmetic procedure. The mortality rate for BBLs is estimated to be 10 to 20 times higher than that of average cosmetic surgery. This significant risk has prompted concerns within the medical community and regulatory bodies, leading to calls for heightened caution and vigilance when considering this procedure. While many individuals aspire to achieve the sought-after Brazilian buttlift results, it is essential to be well-informed about the potential dangers and consult with experienced and qualified medical professionals to ensure the safest possible outcomes.

16Laser Transformation to Blue Eyes

Laser Transformation to Blue Eyes

A relatively simple laser procedure has the remarkable capability of transforming brown eyes into vibrant blue. The allure of blue eyes, often associated with legendary figures like Paul Newman and Daniel Craig, has long been a symbol of attractiveness. The fascination with these captivating azure irises is multifaceted, with theories suggesting that they were favored in Palaeolithic societies due to their uniqueness or that the dilation of pupils, a sign of attraction, is more pronounced and visible in lighter eyes. Traditionally, those yearning for the allure of blue eyes had to resort to colored contact lenses. However, a pioneering medical procedure by Stroma Medical now offers a lasting solution. This laser-based treatment eliminates the brown melanin from the iris's anterior layers, unveiling the hidden blue beneath the surface. The transition from brown to blue is likened to the Rayleigh scattering of sunlight in the sky, which imparts its blue hue. Although the procedure lasts a mere 20 seconds, the transformation takes several weeks to become evident. Yet, as this procedure awaits approval from U.S. regulatory bodies, its safety remains a point of concern. While it avoids venturing into the delicate inner eye, there are potential complications that some in the medical community are wary of. Releasing pigment inside the eye may clog drainage channels, leading to heightened eye pressure and, potentially, glaucoma. The particles released, while considered too fine by Stroma Medical to cause glaucoma, still pose a risk. While the theory holds promise, long-term outcomes and patient experiences are awaited to ascertain the procedure's safety.

17Micro-Needle Therapy Dilemma

Micro-Needle Therapy Dilemma

Micro-Needle Therapy, often likened to a medieval torture tool, is a skincare procedure involving a roller adorned with hundreds of minuscule needles designed to create microscopic punctures in the skin's surface. These micro-injuries induce the skin's natural healing response, prompting collagen and elastin production, essential for skin health and elasticity. Numerous celebrities favor it, and China has seen a significant increase in its popularity. While the efficacy of this treatment remains a subject of debate, its potential risks are undeniable. Proper sterilization of the equipment is challenging, and when not rigorously maintained, it becomes a potential vector for infections, including blood-borne pathogens like HIV and hepatitis, when used on multiple individuals, making it essential to exercise caution when considering micro-needling treatments.

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18Urine for Beauty and Health?

Urine for Beauty and Health?

Some individuals believe that consuming urine or applying it topically can have various beauty benefits as well as alleviate a wide range of health issues, including autoimmune diseases and cancer. Additionally, they suggest that applying urine to the skin can improve conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and acne. The premise is that urine collected during the morning's first urination, known as "midstream urine," contains beneficial hormones that accumulate overnight. It's important to note that these claims lack scientific backing, and the broader medical community does not endorse these practices. Moreover, consuming urine can be potentially harmful if it introduces toxins or pathogens back into the body. In contrast to these unconventional uses, urine is mainly considered a waste product by the medical community, meant to be eliminated from the body.

19Dermaplaning Controversy

Dermaplaning Controversy

Dermaplaning, the latest sensation in the beauty world, has captured the fascination of the younger crowd, but this trend is far from unanimously celebrated. This technique entails a rather aggressive method of deep exfoliation using a blade-like tool, and it seems to promise the moon and stars: the removal of both peach fuzz and dead skin cells, leaving your skin baby-soft and radiant. However, don't let the social media hype cloud the fact that this procedure is embroiled in controversy. While it may work wonders for those with "normal" skin, for those with sensitive, acne-prone, or reactive skin, it's like playing with fire. Experts unanimously caution against diving into this trend headfirst without consulting a professional. The potential consequences are not just mild irritation or redness; they can include infection and scarring. Take, for instance, the unfortunate case of Regina Quaye, a TikTok user whose dermaplaning experiment led to an acne outbreak requiring hydrocortisone treatment.

20DIY Botox Injections Danger

DIY Botox Injections Danger

The act of ordering what's purported to be "Botox" from online sources and self-administering injections is an alarming reality. Numerous websites offer what they claim to be Botox or similar injectables, conveniently shipping them to your doorstep. The temptation to pursue this DIY route may arise from the lower cost compared to professional medical practice, but the risks involved make it a perilous venture. Injecting substances into your face without certainty of their authenticity poses significant dangers. Moreover, individuals lacking medical backgrounds or expertise in dealing with neurotoxins should never attempt self-injections. Experts advise that this practice is best left to qualified professionals who can guarantee both safety and efficacy in cosmetic procedures.

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