Height Alteration via Leg Surgery

Height Alteration via Leg Surgery

While there are countless cosmetic procedures available, altering one's height has historically been an unchangeable aspect of a person's physical appearance. However, a surgical technique called limb lengthening surgery has emerged to address this longing for extra height, allowing individuals to potentially gain up to three inches. The procedure, however, reads like a nightmare, involving the slicing open of the legs and cutting the thigh bones into two. Metal rods and screws are implanted within the bones and connected to external metal braces. Patients are then given a remote control to expand the metal rod by a millimeter each day, painfully tearing the femur apart and forcibly stretching the legs. This self-inflicted agony continues for up to three months, followed by another surgery and a six-month rehabilitation period. The procedure is regarded with skepticism even in Western countries, given its painful and risky nature, with China, the originator of the technique, even banning it.

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