Micro-Needle Therapy Dilemma

Micro-Needle Therapy Dilemma

Micro-Needle Therapy, often likened to a medieval torture tool, is a skincare procedure involving a roller adorned with hundreds of minuscule needles designed to create microscopic punctures in the skin's surface. These micro-injuries induce the skin's natural healing response, prompting collagen and elastin production, essential for skin health and elasticity. Numerous celebrities favor it, and China has seen a significant increase in its popularity. While the efficacy of this treatment remains a subject of debate, its potential risks are undeniable. Proper sterilization of the equipment is challenging, and when not rigorously maintained, it becomes a potential vector for infections, including blood-borne pathogens like HIV and hepatitis, when used on multiple individuals, making it essential to exercise caution when considering micro-needling treatments.

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