Wildlife Wonders: 27 Fascinating Animal Facts



A pit bull mix named Dosha, following being hit by a car was shot in the head by a police officer in order to stop the dog’s suffering. At an animal control center, her body was put in a freezer. Two hours later, she was found alive. Dosha was taken into surgery and survived the ordeal.

2Guard llamas

Guard llamas

Guard llamas are a real thing and they can tear an animal apart with their teeth and sharp nails. They are used to protect farm animals from coyotes and foxes. Most llamas also have an innate dislike for canines and will chase and attack such intruders with "extreme prejudice".

3Wild mice

Wild mice

Wild mice (and many other wild animals) will run on an exercise wheel, even when not in a cage, just because they like it.

4Horses and dogs

Horses and dogs

Four-legged animals like horses and dogs don't have backward knees. Those joints are actually their ankles, which bend in the same direction as our ankles do.

5Iron Snail

Iron Snail

The Iron Snail lives in the Indian Ocean more than 2,500 meters deep. It is the only known gastropod with a suit of scale armor. The scales and the shell are mineralized with iron sulfide, essentially making a skeleton out of iron. It is the only animal so far known to do so.



Chipmunks and other small rodents have fast reaction time because they process light faster. They see the world in slow motion.



The panda's gut isn't suited to digesting bamboo and can only digest 17% of the bamboo it eats. Instead, it is more suited to eating meat, like other species of bears.

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Reindeers have many adaptations to survive in the cold. Their hooves expand in summer when the ground is soft and shrink in winter when the ground is hard. Some subspecies have knees that make a clicking noise when they walk so that the animals can stay together in a blizzard.



Grape-Kun was a Humboldt penguin that lived in a zoo in Japan. He grew so attached to a cardboard cutout of an anime girl that he lived with it as his ‘waifu’ till his death.

10Sleepiest Animals

Sleepiest Animals

The sleepiest animal in the world is the koala, which sleeps 22 hours a day. The second is the sloth (20 hours), armadillo and opossum (tied at 19 hours each), lemur (16 hours), then hamster and squirrel (tied at 14 hours each).


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