1Prince Harry

Prince Harry took an HIV test live on July 14, 2016, to show how easy it is. It was hailed as a "groundbreaking moment in the fight against HIV." HIV awareness group THT has reported a 5 fold increase in the number of orders of HIV self-tests since the prince's broadcast.
2. In 1940, the then-Princess Juliana of The Netherlands was evacuated to Ottawa Canada. When her child Margaret was born, Canada declared her rooms at the Hospital as extraterritorial so the baby would have Dutch nationality. As thanks, Princess Juliana has given Ottawa 10,000 tulip bulbs every year since.
3. Malaysian Crown Prince Tunku Ismail mocked religious hardliners in Malaysia by wearing Hulk Hands to shake hands, after being told to wear gloves when shaking hands with women.
4. Liu Chuyu, a Song dynasty princess complained to her brother that it was unfair he was allowed to have as many concubines as he wanted while she was limited to a single husband. He agreed and gave her a harem of 30 young men.
5. Prince Charles inherits the possessions of anyone who dies in Cornwall without a will or next of kin, a power that in some years has yielded hundreds of thousands of pounds. He funnels the money into charities after deducting his costs.
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
6Prince Philip

On a trip to China, Prince Philip joked to students that "if you stay here much longer, you'll go slit-eyed". After initial concerns of offense, it was revealed that Chinese authorities were unconcerned. They explained that traveling Chinese students were likewise warned not to go "round-eyed."
7. Princess Diana was 19 when Prince Charles, 31, proposed to her. Because royal custom required Charles to marry a virgin nearly every other woman of good lineage nearer his age was disqualified.
8. Vladimir The Great, Prince of Kiev, considered converting from Paganism to Islam. He sent envoys to study Islam, but upon Learning that Islam forbade alcohol and pork, he got baptized himself and baptized Kiev Rus.
9. When Princess Diana was stripped of the title ''Her Royal Highness,'' a young Prince William told his mother ''Don't worry, Mummy, I will give it back to you one day when I am a king.''
10. Qutuz, a child prince from the Khwarezmian Empire was sold as a slave after the Mongols invaded their land and killed his family. He arrived in Egypt and rose among the ranks until he became Sultan. He then gave the Mongols one of their first major defeats in history, which became historical turning point for the Mongol supremacy.
11Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great or Princess Sophie (of a minor German principality) married a Russian prince. Soon after he was crowned emperor, she overthrew him and crowned herself Empress Catherine the Great. She annexed much of Poland (then ruled by her former lover), helped modernize Russia, and started colonizing Alaska.
12. Prince Pedro of Portugal fell in love with his wife's maid, Inês de Castro. After his wife died, his father, King Afonso IV, desired he remarry but not to Inês. Pedro refused; so, the King had Inês killed. Pedro captured two of her killers and publicly executed them by tearing out their hearts.
13. When Prince Carl of Denmark was offered the throne of newly independent Norway in 1905, he refused to take it unless the Norwegian people agreed that they wanted a monarchy rather than a republic. He won the resulting referendum with 79%, and became King Haakon VII.
14. Prince Philip was not allowed to invite his three sisters to his wedding to Princess (now Queen) Elizabeth in 1947, because they were all married to German noblemen, and this would have been considered inappropriate in postwar Britain.
15. Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth's younger sister, almost married future Canadian prime minister John Turner. “It was ‘instant attraction … fairy tale stuff’ with the young bachelor-lawyer and there were rumors about a ‘secret visit’ to London and an order from the Queen to stop seeing him.”
16Princess Diana

Princess Diana was a descendant of Charles II via two of his illegitimate children. Since Charles II never had any legitimate children, Prince William if crowned will be the first descendant of Charles II to be a King.
17. Prince William breaks royal protocol by flying with his children on the same plane. As direct heirs to the throne, his children should fly on a separate plane in case it crashes.
18. Lang Liêu was an ancient Vietnamese prince who won his country’s throne because he made fantastic rice cakes.
19. Princess Olga of Kiev who, after being courted by the same tribe that killed her husband, proceeded to bury the tribe's messengers alive before accepting the proposal and burning the men sent to collect her alive.
20. Owain Glyndŵr, the last native Prince of Wales disappeared at the end of his rebellion in 1412 and managed to remain hidden despite a large bounty and an eventual pardon. His fate and location have remained a closely guarded family secret for over 600 years.
21Ariana Austin

An American woman named Ariana Austin became an African princess in October 2017. She married Yoel Makonnen, grandson of the last Emperor of Ethiopia and direct descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Prince Yoel, who met Ariana at a club in D.C., initially kept his royal status a secret.
22. Prince Philip (husband of Queen Elizabeth) is revered as a deity in a Vanuatuan "cargo-cult". When his disciples sent him a traditional pig-killing club, he sent them back a photo of him posing with it.
23. Former Princess Sayako (daughter of the emperor of Japan) practiced supermarket shopping to prepare for a new lifestyle after marrying a commoner named Yoshiki Kuroda.
24. Catherine Caradja was a Romanian Princess who opposed the alliance with Germany during World War 2. She personally took custody of surviving Allied crews who were bombing her country, saw that they were cared for in her hospitals, and facilitated their escape to Italy. She helped more than 1000 US crewmen who were shot down.
25. In her wedding in 1981, Princess Diana deviated from tradition and omitted the line in which she promised to “obey” Prince Charles.