
Boomerangs used for hunting are not designed for a curved return flight, but to fly straight and hit their target. Returning boomerangs are at most used to frighten birds into movement.
27. On a visit to the US, Russian President Boris Yeltsin was found on two occasions smashed on Pennsylvania Avenue by SS Agents, wearing only his underwear as he yelled for a taxi so he could get a pizza.
28. Häagen-Dazs was created in the 1960s by an American couple living in the Bronx. They used a Danish-sounding name because it conveyed an "aura of the old-world traditions and craftsmanship" and added an umlaut even though that punctuation doesn't exist in the Danish language to make it stand out.
29. Mad Max: Fury Road had filming moved from the Broken Hill region of NSW to Namibia after unusual rainfall caused the desert landscape to bloom with wildflowers.
30. Teff, the staple food crop of Ethiopia, is a highly nutritious "superfood" like quinoa. After US and European health food trends created a huge demand for quinoa, prices skyrocketed in Bolivia, where it is a staple food. Fearing their own food shortage, Ethiopia banned the export of teff in 2006.
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
31Baked beans

In 1996, as a loss-leading tactic, British supermarkets competed so heavily on the price of baked beans that one store decided to sell them for MINUS 2p. This period is referred to by economists as The Bean Wars.
32. Parents who give their children bleach enemas to cure autism have shared photos of "rope worms" expelled from their children, claiming they are parasites killed by the concoction. They are actually intestinal lining.
33. The source of the internet myth that Mr. Rogers was a sniper: The screenwriters of A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood say they discovered in their research that there was another Fred Rogers who was a sharpshooter for the Marines, and his self-promotion confused a lot of people online.
34. During the Nazi Occupation, the Archbishop Damaskinos of Athens spoke out about the deportation of the Jewish population in Greece. When threatened by the Nazis to be executed by firing squad, he sarcastically responded with a request to be hung instead as it was “tradition.”
35. Dwight Eisenhower once wrote that the five most important vehicles used to win World War 2 were the jeep, the bulldozer, the 2.5-ton truck, the DUKW amphibious car, and the C-47 transport plane, none of which are designed for combat.
36Martin Luther King

At the age of 35, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. When notified of his selection, he announced that he would turn over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement.