26Red Star OS
North-Korea has its own operating system called "Red Star OS" based on Linux. The administrator user is disabled, media files copied from the OS are watermarked with the hard drive's serial number and the "virus scanner" automatically deletes censored files.
27. Drivers in the UK who cause death while using their phones, speeding or are drunk face life in prison.
28. When King Louis XVI of France was executed via guillotine, it did not sever his neck. The blade went through the back of his skull and into his jaw.
29. If "Jedi" was accepted as a religion by New Zealand's 2001 census, it would have been the second-largest religion behind Christianity in New Zealand.
30. Winston Churchill spent Christmas of 1941 in Washington as a guest of President Roosevelt. After electrifying Congress with a speech, he stayed up Christmas Eve watching a movie with Roosevelt and the Canadian prime minister. Then he had a heart attack and shrugged it off.
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31Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss was humiliated by Theodore Roosevelt when he was a kid during an award ceremony, resulting in Dr. Seuss fearing large crowds for the rest of his life.
32. Looks are so important in elections that children have a great success rate of picking victors just from photos of the candidate's faces.
33. Puppies instinctively pile together into a heap and become distressed if separated from physical contact with their litter-mates, by even a short distance.
34. The split gill mushroom has over 23,328 distinct sexes, but they can't all successfully mate with one another. Each sex can only be fertile with 22,960 other sexes.
35. For his book 11/22/63, Stephen King conducted considerable research and extensively studied various conspiracy theories regarding the JFK assassination. He ultimately dismissed them and came to the conclusion that Oswald acted alone.