Random Fact Sheet #275 – 30 Fascinating Facts About Everything Under the Sun

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26Virgil Hawkins

Virgil Hawkins

Virgil D. Hawkins was a black lawyer who spent half his life fighting to practice law after being rejected from the UF Law School due to his race. After opening his law office at 69 and resigning from the Bar due to problems, he was posthumously reinstated and had a DC hero named after him.

27. Malaysia has chicken beauty pageants where chickens are judged on their appearance, confidence, and style. Prizes for winning can be as high as $10,000.

28. Hurricane Harvey dumped 33 trillion gallons of water in its impact area, weighing an estimated 275 trillion pounds, which was enough to push down the Earth’s crust and lower the city of Houston by 2 centimeters.

29. The length of time it takes for cyanide to kill a person ranges from around 2-5 minutes, and during this timeframe, they're fully conscious and experience every bit of the chemical's effects.

30. The Clark's Nutcracker bird buries around 98,000 nuts per season and can recall the location of almost all of them several months later, even when they are under 3 feet of snow.

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