
The show 'Firefly' has been permanently added to the International Space Station as a form of entertainment for the station's crews.
2. The certificate behind Michael Scott in The Office is not a degree/diploma, but a certificate of authenticity for a counterfeit "Seyko" timepiece.
3. There is an episode of The Cosby Show, where after consuming Cosby's "special barbecue sauce", women stop fighting, become passive, and become more affectionate towards their lovers.
4. 'My Love From Another Star' is a Korean TV show is about a 400-year-old Harvard-educated alien who falls in love with a human woman. The show is a huge hit in Korea and elsewhere; Chinese fans were hospitalized for binging on too much-fried chicken and beer (the woman character's favorite food).
5. Japan has a popular TV show called "My First Errand" where little kids are sent to do minor tasks for the family on their own while a camera crew secretly follows them.
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15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
6Ann Veal

The writers of Arrested Development intended to use a different actress for Ann Veal (George-Michael's girlfriend) in every episode in an effort to show just how forgettable and unnoticeable she was.
7. TV series Captain Planet was the first children's show to deal with HIV-AIDS. The episode involved a villain brainwashing a community, making them think HIV could pass on just by casual contact, making the entire town hate a young man infected by HIV, who was voiced by Neil Patrick Harris.
8. There is an episode (The French Mistake) of Supernatural in which the two main characters are sent to an alternate universe in which they play the actors that play their characters on Supernatural (themselves) who are in the middle of filming an episode of a TV show called Supernatural.
9. The season 6 Blu-ray of Dexter had an unskippable trailer that spoiled that season's finale.
10. The Dana Carvey Show, which aired just 7 episodes in 1996, had a writing team that included Louis C.K., Stephen Colbert, Steve Carell, Bob Odenkirk, Charlie Kaufman. Robert Smigel, Dino Stamatopoulous (Starburns from Community) and more.
11The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson

On Johnny Carson's final show, Comedy Central went dark, leaving a video gone-fishing sign saying the people are out "watching Johnny Carson's last show and so should you."
12. The name for the show "Black Mirror" was created after the shows creator (Charlie Brooker) noticed how being able to see your own reflection in turned off technology (iPads, television, cell phones, etc) is essentially a "black mirror."
13. "House of Cards" is extremely popular in China, especially among Communist Party leaders, with one fan on social media writing about the show, “I’m just amazed that their propaganda ministry isn’t mad about this.”
14. When the creators of the TV show Sledge Hammer! learned it would be canceled, they had the main character fail to disarm a nuclear warhead, destroying San Francisco. The episode got such good ratings that ABC renewed it, so the second season had to be a prequel since the entire cast was dead.
15. The X-Files episode 'Home' which was about a murderous inbred family was loosely based on a story from Charlie Chaplin's autobiography where a family introduced him to their quadruple amputee son by pulling him out from under a bed after which he "flopp[ed] around" while they sang and danced.
16Ed, Edd, n Eddy

"Ed, Edd, n Eddy" was the last major animated series ever made using traditional animation techniques; the first 4 seasons were made using cel animation, and everything else since has used at least some CGI.
17. In the 571 Episodes of Lassie, the only character that actually fell down a well was Lassie. Timmy never fell down a well.
18. The pilot episode of the Lone Gunmen was about a conspiracy of the US government to hijack an airline and fly it into the World Trade Center to start a profit-making war. It aired on March 4, 2001.
19. The pilot episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" was made with only $200. And that was just for the 2 cameras and some tape.
20. In The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, the name of Uncle Phil's law firm is "Firth, Wynn and Meyer" as a reference to the band Earth, Wind, and Fire.

Laverne from Scrubs was only killed off because Bill Lawrence was under the impression that it would be the last season of the show. He promised her actor a role, and cast her as a near identical nurse named "Shirley."
22. The original idea for the Futurama episode, Jurassic Bark, was to have Fry's mother fossilized instead of Seymour, but this idea was scrapped after it was thought to be too upsetting to the audience.
23. There was a planned, but unmade episode of Doctor Who in which an alien would attach itself to J.K. Rowling and project her imagination on the real world. The Doctor would have battled wizards and witches to save the planet.
24. 9 out of the 10 most watched TV broadcasts in the US are the last 9 Superbowls; the only non-football entry is the final broadcast of M*A*S*H in 1983.
25. Bridget Loves Bernie was the highest rated TV show to ever be canceled after only one season. CBS and show creators were forced to cancel the show after receiving death threats from Jews, who were angered that the show featured a Catholic marrying a Jew.