Monkey Business: 34 Fascinating Facts About Our Primate Cousins

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26Capuchin monkeys charity

Capuchin monkeys charity

There is a charity that provides Capuchin monkeys to those with spinal cord injuries and mobility impairments, free of charge. They are called the Helping Hands Monkey Helpers.

27. 66% of orangutans are left-handed.

28. A monkey called Ramu in India was put in prison for 5 years for biting a child. After his release, he bit a child again and was imprisoned again. Since Ramu is a rhesus macaque, an endangered species, the police was not allowed to keep him as a pet or behind bars, so he was released into the wild.

29. A study found that poo flinging chimps are more intelligent than those that do not. They have more heightened development in the motor cortex, more connections between it and the Broca’s area, and are better communicators in the group.

30. A species of monkey named Gelada are capable of 'cheating' on their partners and covering up their 'infidelity' by suppressing their normal mating cries so as not to be overheard.

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31Male Mandrill baboon

Male Mandrill baboon

The dominant male Mandrill baboon's butt will naturally turn more blue due to the hormones he experiences while in control.

32. Mountain gorillas are in a semi-permanent state of flatulence due to the large amounts of gas produced from bacteria aiding their digestion.

33. A monkey discovered in 2010 was named the Burmese sneezing monkey because it sneezes uncontrollably when it rains.

34. Chacma baboon mothers constantly have their babies killed by other baboons, so to protect their young, they become "friends" with male baboons by forming a nonsexual bond with them, which leads to the male baboon protecting the mother and her baby from other baboons.


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