Disease Insights: 18 Eye-Opening Facts About Diseases

11Kidney stones

Kidney stones

Kidney stones can grow until they fill up all the crevices in your kidneys and resemble deer antlers; they're called staghorn stones



Dyslexia isn't characterized by the reversal of letters or words and mirror writing. It's a disorder of people with at least average intelligence who have difficulty spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, sounding words out, pronouncing words read aloud, understanding what they read.



Heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart at all. It occurs when the sphincter muscle at the end of the esophagus abnormally relaxes and fluids from the stomach, such as stomach acid and bile, flow back up into the esophagus. It is more likely to happen when bent over or lying down.

14Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease

Complications of Crohn's disease include fistulas between your gut and several abdominal organs, resulting in passing gas and feces into places like your skin, urine, or vagina.



The flu presents as asymptomatic 75% of the time in otherwise the young and healthy, and yet is still highly contagious and deadly to vulnerable populations.

16Acid reflux disease

Acid reflux disease

Sufferers of acid reflux disease occasionally report a distinct feeling of something stuck in their throat, often lasting for days. This happens because the acid causes the throat tissues to swell, creating a lump feeling.

17Canker Sores

Canker Sores

Canker Sores are a mystery to modern medicine, they don't know why they happen and there is no cure.

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18Yellow fever

Yellow fever

Yellow fever came to the Americas aboard slave ships. Two hundred years later, it helped end slavery in Haiti. An epidemic broke out during the Haitian Revolution, killing two-thirds of the French army. It killed almost none of the slaves. France was therefore forced to surrender the island.


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