Decoding the Obvious: 35 Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight

1Treasured Guests

Treasured Guests

Disney uses code names in their park. Rude visitors are called 'Treasured Guests' by the staff members and vomit is called 'Protein Spill.' Kids peeing in the pool is called 'Code Winnie and ' when guest Illegally spread ashes in the part, the code used by the staff 'White Powder Alert.'

2Jim Wilson

Jim Wilson

American Airlines routinely transports dead bodies in the cargo hold of a plane. Each body is referred to as a "Jim Wilson" by the flight crew.

3Ask for Angela

Ask for Angela

"Ask for Angela" is the name of a campaign in England that started in 2016. It is used by bars and other venues to keep people safe from sexual assault by using this codeword to identify when they are in danger or are in an uncomfortable situation. When an establishment uses this program, a person who believes themselves to be in danger can "Ask for Angela", a fictitious member of the staff. The staff will then help the person get home discreetly and safely by either escorting them to a different room, calling them a taxi and escorting them to it, or by asking the other party member to leave the establishment

4Nora Secret Code

Nora Secret Code

Sephora employees use a code word named "Nora" to identify Potential Shoplifters. The acronym for NORA is Need Officer Right Away.

5Mr. Johnson is in theater number three

Mr. Johnson is in theater number three

Movie theater employees may say, "Mr. Johnson is in theater number three" to indicate that there is a fire or smoke in that theater. Nightclubs and bars often use the name "Mr. Sands."

6House in Virginia

House in Virginia

Emergency Medical Responders have a code that someone has a "House in Virginia", or give the other responders a high five on the way out of the door to let the other responders know that the patient has a bloodborne pathogen risk ( like HIV+) and that they may want to double glove.

710-100 Police Code

10-100 Police Code

If you hear a 10-100 over the police dispatch radio it means that the officer is busy in the bathroom. 10-200 is the code for poop and will be 10-8 (clear) as soon as he finishes up.

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8Black Ring Code

Black Ring Code

Any man or woman who wears a black ring on their dominant hand ring-finger means they are in the 'Lifestyle' (also known as Swingers!)

9Friend of Bill W.

Friend of Bill W.

If you are at an airport and overhear on the loudspeaker someone calling out for a "friend of Bill W." to come to such-and-such area, it means a recovering alcoholic is in trouble and they need a fellow from Alcoholics Anonymous to come and talk to them, to keep them from relapsing. "A friend of Bill's" is also how how AA members identify each other in public.

1086'd in Restaurants

86'd in Restaurants

If you are in a restaurant and hear the chef says "they 86'd the salmon," It can refer to when an item on the menu is not available because the restaurant has run out of ingredients.


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