Country Profile: 60 Facts & Figures About England

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51Lorraine and Lavinia

Lorraine and Lavinia

On the Christmas Eve 1994, two cars collided near Flitcham, England. The drivers were twin sisters who were delivering presents to each other. Their names were Lorraine and Lavinia Christmas.

52. There are at least 22 cat statues scattered about the city of York in England, on top of buildings and houses. They are thought to have been put in place as far back as the early 19th century. Residents personally decorate these statues and the cats are said to protect the city’s residents.

53. After the final Harry Potter movie was released, animal sanctuaries around England were forced to deal with hundreds of pet owls that were abandoned by their owners.

54. Sometime around 2000, the child labor laws changed in the England in order to film the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone"

55. Queen Elizabeth II does not hold a passport. Since all British passports are issued in the queen’s name, she herself doesn’t need one. She just has to say that she is the queen.

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56Queen's decision

Queen's decision

The Queen of England still maintains an official "champion" to fight on her behalf in duels.

57. Queen Mary of England was gifted a 1:12 scale dollhouse in 1924. It had working lights, books that were specially written by writers for the library, bottles filled with the appropriate drinks in the wine cellar, and model cars made by Rolls Royce. Even the toilets had working plumbing.

58. Queen Victoria of England demanded her train's speed never exceed 40 miles per hour and that it be completely stopped when she ate her meals.

59. In 2011, a 46-year-old man from Plymouth, England found and attacked a 13-year-old kid because the kid killed him too many times in Call of Duty.

60. A 23-year-old man named Donald Junior Green from Northern England was arrested in November 2012 for possession of class A drugs after he gave cocaine to children on Halloween.


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