Corporate Chronicles: 18 Facts About Leading Companies

11Erin Esurance

Erin Esurance

An insurance company had to stop using their cartoon mascot Erin Esurance because she yielded too much fan-made porn. When searching Esurance online, porn would come up first.

12Phoebus Cartel

Phoebus Cartel

In 1925, General Electric, Phillips, and other light bulb manufacturers colluded against consumers and created the 'Phoebus Cartel'. The Cartel conspired to reduce the 1925 light bulb life expectancy from 2500 hours down to only 1000 hours and at the same time, to increase the price per bulb.

13Space advertising inc.

Space advertising inc.

In 1993, a company called "Space advertising inc." attempted to launch a giant billboard into low earth orbit. From earth, the billboard would look almost as big as a full moon. After the project was canceled, a bill was introduced that banned any further space advertising.



In 1994, Verizon received $2.1 billion in tax breaks to wire every house in Pennsylvania with 45Mbps fiber internet connection by 2015. Half of all households were to be wired by 2004. When deadlines weren't met Verizon kept the money. The same thing happened in New York.



A Biotech firm named Pembient has managed to 3-D print fake rhino horns that are genetically identical knockoffs. The company plans to flood the Chinese rhino horn market at one-eighth of the price of the original, undercutting the price poachers can get and forcing them out eventually.

16New Line Cinema

New Line Cinema

New Line Cinema gambled their entire company on the success of the Lord of The Rings franchise, by committing to all three films for more than $270 million up front.



LifeLock, an ID protection firm, ran a promotional in which its CEO, being so confident in the service, made his Social Security Number public. This resulted in him being the victim of identity theft 13 times, in addition to a $12 million company fine for false advertising.

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Kroger uses infrared sensors to track customers in their stores; an algorithm then decides how many checkout lines need to be open to reduce wait times.


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