1American employees

American employees at large-sized companies (1000 or more employees) only spend 45% of their time actually “working”, i.e., time spent on primary job duties and not on meetings, administrative tasks, and interruptions.
2. Studies by the IIHS and Federal Highway Administration have shown that roundabouts typically achieve a 37% reduction in overall collisions, a 75% reduction in injury collisions and a 90% reduction in fatality collisions.
3. About 0.7% of the world’s population is estimated to be drunk at any given time, which is roughly 52 million people.
4. 75% of the world's food is generated from only 12 plants and 5 animal species.
5. 50-85% of the oxygen on Earth comes from the ocean, mainly from phytoplankton.
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You steadily "dry out" as you age. A newborn human baby is 75% water, adult men are about 60%, adult women 55%, and elderly people are roughly half.
7. Japan's rail workers use pointing-and-calling, a system of associating one’s tasks with physical movements and vocalizations to prevent errors. It is known to reduce workplace errors by up to 85%, according to one 1996 study.
8. A 10-year psychological study found that men who kissed their wives before leaving for work lived, on average, five years longer, earning 20-30% more than peers who left without a kiss.
9. North America's Lake Superior contains 10% of the world's surface freshwater and holds the remains of 6,000 shipwrecks.
10. The cost of college textbooks in the US has risen more than 1,000% since 1977, even faster than tuition, health care costs, and housing prices, all of which have risen faster than inflation.
11European Ancestry

95% of those of European origin can trace their maternal roots to one of seven women who lived between 10,000 and 45,000 years ago.
12. Nearly half of all airline pilots admit to falling asleep during a flight and 29% of these pilots reported waking up and seeing everyone else in the cabin asleep as well.
13. Air Force learned that by flying its C-17s in a large V formation similar to geese, they saved more than 10% of fuel, which would be millions of dollars.
14. Approximately 80% of current US astronauts wear eye correction (i.e. glasses or contact lenses). As long as the astronauts' vision is correctable to 20/20, they are allowed to fly.
15. About 53% of the people who live in Fiji don’t have access to clean, safe water yet Fiji water is the nation’s largest export.

The United States experiences approximately 75% of all tornadoes in the world.
17. About 95% of the Mongols are lactose intolerant yet eat a diet that consists heavily of dairy products.
18. About 33% of the men in Britain aged between 35 and 60 years are unable to see their penis due to obesity.
19. About 80% of the peanut butter sold in the U.S. is creamy. Only 17% is crunchy.
20. Around 45% of couples in Hong Kong say they have given up on the idea of having children because of crowding and high housing costs. In another survey, 38% of men and 31% of women simply said they didn’t like kids.
21Monarch butterfly

More than 90% of the monarch butterfly population has vanished in the last 25 years.
22. Attaching green LED lights to nets used by small-scale fisherman can reduce the number of green sea turtle deaths by 64%, without affecting the number of fish caught.
23. Around 10-20% of Americans and a higher percent of Europeans are infected with a brain parasite (Toxoplasma gondii) from cats that makes them 2.5 times more likely to get in a car accident, changes personality traits, contributes to schizophrenia, and may cause sexual attraction to cat urine.
24. The majority of Darwin Award winners, nearly 90% are male.
25. The average NFL player’s career lasts about 3 years and nearly 80% of the NFL players go bankrupt within 3 years of retirement.