Bundle of Joy: 15 Fun Facts about Babies

1Newborn babies

Newborn babies

Newborn babies pick up their parent's accent while still in the womb. A French baby's cry tends to have a rising tone, while a German baby's cry tends to have a falling tone.



Babies learn a language by hearing it, but they must hear it spoken directly to them in person by another human being. As little as 12 hours with a human tutor produces dramatic results in babies, compared to no results even after many more hours of exposure to foreign language TV shows.

3Maternity Starter Kit

Maternity Starter Kit

Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes. The government offers expectant mothers a maternity starter kit or a cash grant. 95% opt for the kit which includes a cardboard box that doubles as a crib. It has helped Finland achieve one of the world's lowest infant mortality rates.

4Vitamin deficiency

Vitamin deficiency

Newborns with a vitamin D deficiency have a 44% increased risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia as adults compared to those with normal vitamin D levels. The developing fetus is totally reliant on the mother's vitamin D stores.

5Emma Bazzard

Emma Bazzard

A 3-year-old girl named Emma Bazzard from Bristol was awarded for bravery after successfully calling and informing emergency services that her pregnant mother had an accident and was unconscious. Remaining calm through the whole affair she gave them the address, checked if she was breathing and where she got hurt.



In 2013, a baby in Poland was born with 23 times the legal blood alcohol content after his mom went on a drinking binge the night before.

7Human babies

Human babies

Human babies are helpless because we walk upright. Walking upright requires a narrow pelvis, in which our large head/brain would get stuck during birth, so babies are born with a smaller head/brain that develops more after birth, compared to other mammals.

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8Baby girl

Baby girl

In 2005, a newborn baby girl was abandoned in a forest in Kenya for 2 days. It was rescued by a stray dog foraging for food. The dog carried the baby all the way back to her own litter of puppies.

9Paulie Hynek

Paulie Hynek

In 2011, a 2-year-old boy named Paulie Hynek from Wisconsin survived after being found freezing in a snowbank overnight when he wandered outside looking for his mom. He had no heartbeat, no breathing, and no brain activity when he was found. Doctors wouldn't declare him dead until he was warmed up. He survived after his blood was warmed.

10International waters baby

International waters baby

Babies born in international waters have their birthplace listed as "AT SEA." Those born in the air where no country claims sovereignty are listed as "IN THE AIR."


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