50 Random Facts List #202

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26 Octopuses


Researchers have discovered that the most humane way to anesthetize octopuses is by dunking them in ethanol — a procedure with no lasting side effects.

27. The Nazis tried to hide the fact that the first gasoline car in Germany was made by a jew named Siegfried Marcus.

28. Sam Houston, the general who led Texas to victory in its war for independence from Mexico and who served as its president during its 10 years of independence, was removed from office as Governor of Texas when it seceded in 1861, after refusing to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy.

29. The cast of Friends television show (which wrapped up in 2005), still each earn $20 million in royalties per year and NBC earns $1 billion per year in revenue from the show.

30. In 2016, the oldest living leap year baby (Daisy Belle Ward) celebrated her 25th birthday on her 100th year of life.

31 Ant queen

Ant queen

The common black garden ant queen has an average lifespan of 15 years, with some living up to around 30. Also, under laboratory conditions, worker ants can live at least 4 years.

32. Gerard Way, the co-founder and the lead vocalist of My Chemical Romance, is also the creator and writer of the comic book series, The Umbrella Academy.

33. Marvel collected royalties from Hulk Hogan for 20 years and it all stems from originally being introduced as “The Incredible Hulk Hogan.” Once WWF used it, they couldn’t just drop “The Incredible” to avoid infringement. Had he been “Hulk Hogan” from the start, there wouldn’t have been an issue.

34. Most Asians suffer from lactose intolerance and humans, in general, become lactose intolerant after weaning. Only with the advent of modern agriculture were some races able to properly digest milk and other dairy products into adulthood.

35. Clone High, an adult animated tv series about the clones of famous historical figures going to high school, was canceled due to its portrayal of Gandhi as a loose party animal, causing great controversy in India. It began hunger strikes and even a national protest where members of parliament got involved.

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36 US Capitol

US Capitol

The granite used to build the US Capitol is so radioactive that the building would fail federal safety codes regulating nuclear power plants.

37. The song Greensleeves is from 1580 and while often said to refer to a promiscuous woman or prostitute whose clothing was stained green from having sex in the grass, it is more likely associated with green being the color of romance in that time period. 

38. The residents of Chernobyl had a new city (Slavutych) built for them by workers from 8 former Soviet republics. The city has a range of different architectural styles such as pink stoned Armenian buildings and wooden Baltic-style houses. City districts are named after a city from each republic.

39. Ally’s Law is legislation passed by several U.S. states that require stores to allow people with certain medical conditions access to employee restrooms. It was named after a 14-year-old girl with Crohn’s Disease who soiled herself in a mall after being denied access to a store restroom.

40. Robert Garrett, the winner of the discus throw in the first modern Olympics had never seen a proper discus until he arrived in Athens. The version he commissioned to train with was 25 pounds heavier than the competition model because he based it solely on images from an ancient vase.

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41 Garlic


Garlic ranks as the #1 antibacterial food. Capsicums (peppers) are only 75% effective.

42. In Philippines you can ‘legally’ kill or physically injure your spouse or the person he or she is having sexual intercourse with if you catch them in the act of making love.

43. Karl Marx wasn’t aware of advances being made in differential calculus and developed the concepts himself while writing his mathematical manuscripts.

44. Although they live in a climate inhospitable to crop development, the Inuit do not suffer from Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) due to their diet of frozen and raw fish and mammal organs. By not cooking the food, vitamin C is not broken down and can be absorbed by the human body.

45. In 1988, the final history exams for more than 53 million Soviet school children were canceled because much of the history they had been taught were lies.

15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History

46 MLB umpires

MLB umpires

MLB umpires are required by rule to wear only black underwear in the event that they split their pants.

47. If woodpeckers are hungry enough they will peck into the backs of other birds heads and eat their brains.

48. Paint typically adds around 600 to 1,200 pounds (273 kg – 544 kg) to the weight of a plane and the seven coats of paint used on the Emirates A380 added roughly 2,425 pounds (1,100kg) to its weight.

49. Bones found at Seymour Island indicate that 37 to 40 million years ago penguins stood at a formidable 6 feet tall and weighed 250 pounds.

50. Blue Lake Rhino Cave in Washington State has a 14.5 million-year-old cast of an early Rhino ancestor which was created when basalt lava slowly covered the corpse floating upside down in an ancient lake. The cast can be found 300 feet up the side of a cliff.

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