26 Jungle Book

While filming a scene in the live-action adaption of “Jungle Book” where Mowgli meets King Louie (voiced by Christopher Walken), director Jon Favreau spotted a cowbell on stage and said, “this is what Mowgli has to use.” Mowgli rings the bell to awaken Louie as an homage to Walken’s SNL skit.
27. In 1967, Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston marathon with an official number. After realizing that a woman was running, race organizer Jock Semple went after her trying to stop. The photographs taken of the incident made headlines around the world.
28. Heroin overdose is more likely to happen during relapse. People who use heroin long enough eventually build up a tolerance. People who get sober sometimes relapse but take a dose they were on at their worst. They unintentionally kill themselves by not realizing their tolerance dropped.
29. Seinfeld composer Jonathan Wolff rewrote the theme song for every single episode. He says, “The bassline is so simple it can start and stop for his jokes, hold for laughs, and that way I could architect each piece of music for each monologue, Lego-style.”
30. Nazi ‘perfect Aryan’ poster child was Jewish.
31 Commercial airplane

Each commercial airplane in the U.S. is struck by lightning more than once every year on average.
32. A jogger named Rachel Borch in Maine once drowned a rabid raccoon in a puddle after it latched onto her finger and would not release her.
33. In curling, good sportsmanship and politeness are essential. Congratulating opponents and abstaining from trash talk are a part of what’s known as the “Spirit of Curling.”
34. In the 1920s, a man named John R. Brinkley falsely claiming to be a doctor implanted goat testicles into people across the US as a cure for all diseases. He was condemned by the American Medical Association and media, but ran for governor of Kansas in 1930, narrowly losing after thousands of votes for him were questionably disqualified.
35. The Canadian military has developed a stealth snowmobile that is able to switch to “silent mode” for covert special ops missions in the Arctic.
36 Michael Foot

The famous headline “Foot Heads Arms Body” (published after Michael Foot was chosen to be the chair of a nuclear disarmament committee) was written by a sub-editor as a joke and was never intended to be published.
37. Pommer’s Law is one of the “Laws” of the Internet, which states that “A person’s mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion.”
38. Roar, the most dangerous movie ever made. The movie had 110 untrained lions, tigers, cheetahs, cougars and jaguars, which led to 70 cast and crew members being injured. The injuries ranged from broken bones to scalpings and gangrene.
39. The epic fantasy film “The NeverEnding Story”, despite having German producers, a German director, German screenplay authors, being based on a German book, shot mostly in Germany and released in Germany before the US, still was produced in English and features almost exclusively American actors.
40. An estimated 400–800 million tons of prey are annually killed by the global spider community which collectively weigh probably about 25 million tons.
41 Cinderella

Cinderella is not the real name of the protagonist, instead, it was an insulting nickname given to her. She was forced to sleep in the ashes and because of that, she was always covered in dust and dirt.
42. In 1862, 38 Dakota Warriors were ordered to be hanged to death by Abraham Lincoln. It was the largest mass execution in U.S. history.
43. At one point 90% of the world’s needles came from a Worcestershire town called Redditch.
44. Pope Francis hasn’t watched television in almost 30 years after he promised the Virgin Mary that he wouldn’t anymore.
45. If you have at least one grandparent that was born in Ireland then you’re eligible for Irish citizenship.
15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
46 Frog

Remarkably, frogs actually use their eyes to help them swallow food. When the frog blinks, its eyeballs are pushed downwards creating a bulge in the roof of its mouth. This bulge squeezes the food inside the frog’s mouth down the back of its throat.
47. Skarð is a village on the Faroes Islands that was abandoned in 1913 when the entire male population perished in a fishing accident.
48. Fidel Castro had a strange dairy obsession in that he would craft elaborate schemes such as a “race of super cows” and tiny cows to keep as house pets. He even bred a cow that produced over 100 liters of milk in a day.
49. Sari, the common garment adorned by females from the Indian subcontinent is effective enough to remove cholera from drinking water (99%, according to laboratory studies) if used as a filter. Filtering water to free it from microorganisms is practiced among Jains to follow the doctrine of nonviolence, preventing pain to any living creature.
50. Actor Bela Lugosi was buried in one of his “Dracula” costumes at the request of wife and son.
RE: Fact #12 (Metric system) – There isn’t any reason to switch, until they go metric with everything. A 100 second minute, a 10 hour day, a 10 day Week & a 100 day month.100 day year.
RE: Fact #22 (Conus geographus) – It has to result in a Slow Death.