50 Interesting Facts about Cities Around the World

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26 Katy Freeway

Katy Freeway

Houston spent $2.8 billion expanding the Katy Freeway to 23 lanes only to slow traffic down by 30%.

27. There exists a mysterious Octopus House in Bandung, Bali that no one knows the origin of, but that locals have conjectured that it is the church of Satan.

28. In Delhi, if a tree falls sick, an ambulance is dispatched to treat them.

29. There is a place named Downtown Eastside in Vancouver that provides a safe space for intravenous drug (Insite) addicts to inject themselves. They provide clean needles, food, and drug addiction counseling.

30. Until 2005, Toronto had a St. James-Bond Church, formed by the 1928 merger of the Bond Street Congregational Church and the St. James Square Presbyterian Church.

31 Munich Massacre

Munich Massacre

During the Munich Massacre, the camera crews filmed the actions and broadcasted it live on TV, so the terrorists were able to watch the police prepare an attack.

32. Nairobi, Kenya has a thriving country music scene because Kenyans “can identify with the stories in the songs.” Country Music CDs make up 15% of all music sold.

33. Madrid has the oldest continuously running restaurant in the world named Sobrino de Botín which hasn’t closed its doors even once since its opening in 1725.

34. In Budapest, there is an hourglass (Timewheel) that takes a full year to run out. It takes 4 people almost an hour to turn it.

35. In 2010, heavily-armed SWAT teams raided nine barbershops in Orlando, Florida and arrested 34 people for barbering without a license.

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36 Madras


There is a city named Madras in Oregon which is served by an airport called Bombay Farms, named after the older names of the Indian cities – Chennai and Mumbai respectively.

37. In the Chinese city of Chongqing, cell phone addicts have their own sidewalk lane.

38. Each Sunday there is an outdoor marriage market organized in Shanghai where thousands of singles have their parents search for a potential spouse.

39. The city of Abidjan in Ivory Coast has a Manhattan-style skyline and French-style sidewalk cafes. Many French moved there after its independence and some visitors have criticized the city for being “more French than African.”

40. Baku, Azerbaijan has the largest KFC restaurant in the world.

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41 Cartagena


The Spanish city of Cartagena once declared independence and applied to become a US state.

42. Suwon, a city in South Korea, has a guided bus tour of their municipal restrooms.

43. The Brazilian city of Porto Alegre has a system of participatory budgeting, where citizens decide how a percentage of the city budget is spent.

44. The Russian metropolis of Novosibirsk bans foreigners from being able to work as schoolteachers, bus or taxi drivers, timber merchants, lawyers, accountants, and jobs in mining and fisheries.

45. The Davao City in Philippines has a vigilante group named the Davao death squad which targets criminals of petty crimes and drug dealing. Their kill count is estimated to be between 1,020 -1,040.

15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History

46 Cali prison cell

Cali prison cell

In Cali, you can upgrade your prison cell for up to $127 per day. “Many of the self-pay jails operate like secret velvet-roped nightclubs of the corrections world. You have to be in the know to even apply for entry.”

47. In 1993, a newly elected administration of Belo Horizonte, the third largest Brazilian city, declared food a right of citizenship. Moving forward they reduced 60% of child mortality within 10 years. The needed budget amounts to 2% of the city budget per year.

48. In Hangzhou, China there are dockless bike sharing systems that are flooding the city with thousands of bikes that rapidly fall out of use and become trash

49. In 2013, Changsha, China began building a 220-story building that would take 90 days to complete but was canceled by environmental protests.

50. Xi’an had an imperial palace (Daming Palace) that was 4.5 times the size of the forbidden city. It was burnt to the ground when the Tang dynasty fell.

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  1. Fact # 28
    ” In Delhi, if a tree falls sick, an ambulance is dispatched to treat them.”
    This is a total,complete lie. The most blatant misuse of wealth and power, the only green lung of the city- The Ridge is encroached upon by builders. Otherwise all over the city when the need arises, trees are killed by pouring acid in the dead of night. Trees are slowly choked by surrounding them by interlocking tiles. With no aeration to roots, the trees become stunted and die. In all cases dead trees are cut down. – MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. It is a system which does tree ambulance type of things to come in international limelight and even then somebody is making money somewhere.

  2. That story about the bikes in Hangzhou is a couple of years old. All the bikes were hauled away for recycling. There was a fad for aabout 18 months in most Chinese cities with rental bikes. Bicycles had been obsolete for 20 years, but they did not do market research. Nobody wants to pedal a bicycle in China. Now everybody has E-bikes and E-scooters. All those millions of bicycles have been crushed and made into something else. Maybe E-bikes.



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