1 British Airway

In 2015, someone had a poop so toxic on a British Airway flight from Heathrow to Dubai that it had to turn around and land after just 30 minutes.
2. Artic Explorer Peter Freuchen was once caught in a terrible blizzard and buried under a thick layer of snow and ice. When he couldn’t claw his way out, Freuchen whittled his own frozen feces into a knife and used it to chisel his way through.
3. The fastest living organism in the world is actually a type of fungus (Fungus cannon), which is found in horse manure.
4. The most effective treatment for CDI (a bowel disease causing chronic diarrhea) is a fecal transplant, where poo from a healthy person is put in the infected person’s bum, thereby transplanting healthy bacteria into the digestive tract. It is 94% effective as opposed to 30% for antibiotics.
5. In 1969, scientists were puzzled to find a tomato plant on a 40-year-old volcanic island. They were dumbfounded as to how it got there. It turned out that it grew from the poop that a scientist had taken on the island.
6 Stalin

Stalin had a secret lab to analyze the feces of other foreign leaders for the purpose of constructing psychological portraits. For example, a leader with high levels of tryptophan was assumed to be calm and approachable, while a lack of potassium indicated a nervous disposition.
7. American singer Ted Nugent pooped in his pants and quit bathing to avoid the draft.
8. In 2006, a Dallas man named Behrouz Nahidmobarekeh received 5 years in prison after being caught sprinkling his feces onto baked goods at a grocery store.
9. Truckers throw out gallon jugs of urine and bags filled with feces out their windows, and it’s an actual problem.
10. The Great Stink of London was an event in 1858 where the smell of human waste in the River Thames was so bad that it halted parliament. 250 tons of limes were used to mask the odor.
11 Moon

There are 4 bags of astronaut poop on the moon left behind by Neil Armstrong from his Apollo mission to the moon.
12. The average human poops $13 in precious metals per year.
13. In Mexico City people were offered free wi-fi in exchange for picking up dog droppings and weighing them, thus measuring the amount of free wi-fi given, in an attempt to clean up the city from dog poo.
14. In the Spanish town, Brunete council volunteers will send dog poo in the mail to dog owners who are seen failing to pick up their dog’s feces in public.
15. Sloths only poop once a week and it’s called the poo dance.
16 Grotesque jug

A 1970s high school art project ceramic jug, found in a barn covered with chicken poop, was mistakenly identified as 19th-century work and priced at $50,000 on Antiques Road Show.
17. Franken-Berry (children’s cereal) used to turn people’s poo pink due to an inability to break down the heavily-dyed cereal. The symptom was referred to as “Franken-Berry stool”.
18. Due to lack of fertilizer, North Korean shops once sold (or still selling) human feces.
19. Italian artist Piero Manzoni pooped into 90 tin cans (Artist’s sh*t) as an artwork, each containing 30g of poop. Each is worth 100,000 € today.
20. A “Pig Toilet” is a human toilet/outhouse connected to a pig sty, providing human feces to the pigs as their food source.
15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History
21 Cell phones

16% of cell phones are contaminated with E. coli bacteria from fecal matter.
22. Hibernating bears don’t eat or drink, and thus don’t poop or pee, but they develop a fecal plug in their intestines that can grow to 7 to 15 inches long and 1 to 2.5 inches in diameter. They defecate when they emerge from hibernation. “Fecal plugs have a light odor that is not unpleasant.”
23. Roughly 26,500 pounds of human excrement is left on Mount Everest each season. Everest is a ‘fecal time bomb’.
24. The Parrotfish eats dead coral and then poops sand. This sand poop is also responsible for nearly all the white sand beaches in Hawaii.
25. In 1997, an Emory researcher named Elizabeth R. Griffin died as a result of a herps-infected rhesus monkey flinging poop into her eyes.