1Charlie Cox

As he was unfamiliar with the source material before he was cast in Marvel’s Daredevil, Charlie Cox only found out the character was blind the day before his audition.
2. Quentin Tarantino nearly directed a Luke Cage film starring Laurence Fishburne right after the release of ‘Reservoir Dogs’, but left the project to write Pulp Fiction instead.
3. Despite not having superpowers, Hawkeye possesses considerable strength. The supervillain Crossfire discovered this when he attempted to use the superhero’s 250 pounds-force draw weight bow and couldn’t even draw back the string to launch an arrow.
4. The idea to cast Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue in Avengers: Age of Ultron originated from the film’s creative team finding a photoshopped picture of the actor fan-cast as the character.
5. Victor Von Doom never received an actual doctoral degree, he instead gave himself the title of “Doctor” after discovering Reed Richards had one. It is implied that he later received a doctorate from his own Latverian University.
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6Luke Cage Jessica Jones

A comic publisher in Alabama refused to print the very first issue of Alias in 2001 because it implied Luke Cage and Jessica Jones were having interracial an*l sex, which it deemed, “offensive.”
7. For a short period of time, The Punisher was revived as a Frankenstein’s Monster-like creature, magically reassembled together out of decomposing pieces of the corpse of Frank Castle, who had just been killed by Wolverine’s son.
8. After allegedly witnessing a woman lift a car to rescue her trapped baby, artist Jack Kirby utilized the experience for inspiration while originally designing the Hulk, noting her impressive strength in a desperate situation.
9. The Avengers comic book series was a last-minute idea that was only created to fill a publishing gap caused by a delayed issue of Daredevil.
10. In the Netflix series Daredevil, the chemicals that blinded Matt Murdock were produced by Rand Corporation, the same company owned by the family of Danny Rand, also known as The Iron Fist.

Paul Bettany received Joss Whedon’s offer to play the Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron after he walked out of a meeting with a producer who told him he’d never work for Hollywood again.
12. The Hulk’s CGI body used in The Avengers film was based on that of a male stripper named Steve Romm.
13. Before shooting the scene in which Loki shapeshifts into Captain America in Thor: The Dark World, Tom Hiddleston donned the Captain America suit and did his own over-the-top impression of Chris Evans. Evans then imitated Hiddleston’s impression of himself when it came time to film his scene.
14. In Sandman’s first comic book appearance, Spider-Man defeats him with a vacuum cleaner.
15. Since Spider-Man is strong enough to lift approximately ten tons (or about six cars), he has to actively hold back to avoid killing the criminals he pummels on a daily basis.
16Wolverine's Senses

According to X-Men: The Animated Series, Wolverine’s senses are so powerful that he can smell on the infrared spectrum.
17. Hawkeye #19″, which is told largely in American Sign Language, was delayed for months in order for the series writer, Matt Fraction, to research and confirm with educators and doctors that the ASL used was completely correct.
18. For a short time in the 1970’s Tony Stark’s Iron Man helmet included a nose, which garnered ridicule from readers. This derision was eventually written into the comic storyline, as Stark designed a new helmet after attending a comic book convention where patrons made fun of it.
19. The art in “Deadpool #40” was designed to look like a used children’s coloring book that promotes and warns about the positives/dangers of “gracking” (or gamma fracking).
20. After James Gunn announced Marvel’s legal team wouldn’t let him use the Sneepers species in Guardians of Galaxy Vol. 2, fans began to protest the decision on the internet en masse. This led Marvel to admit that it wasn’t that big of a deal, with Gunn stating to “keep an eye out for at least one Sneeper” in the sequel.
21Bad CGI Hulk

The notoriously bad CGI Hulk used in Ang Lee’s 2003 Hulk was originally supposed to be created with animatronics and practical effects.
22. Just 12 Issues after his debut appearance, Spider-Man’s secret identity was revealed to the public by Doctor Octopus. However, no one could accept that a wimp like Peter Parker could be a superhero, dismissing him as an imposter.
23. The original Guardians of the Galaxy cameo planned for Stan lee involved Groot stumbling across the former Marvel Comics president in one of the Collector’s display cases, who would then flip off our heroes.
24. Magneto does not have control over just metal, but overall electromagnetic forces. Thus, he can generate heat, sense heat signatures, manipulate/generate radio signals, manipulate the human body’s nervous system, manipulate light to make himself invisible and even control water on an atomic level.
25. On very rare occasions, Spider-Man has been known to use his wall-clinging abilities offensively, sticking to and then ripping off of characters like Norman Osborn and Sasha Kravinoff.