26 Per Enflo

A mathematician named Per Enflo solved Problem 153 in the “Scottish Book” in 1972 and was awarded a live goose as promised by Polish mathematician named Stanisław Mazur, who posed the problem in 1936.
27. In 2012, a mathematician named Vi Hart sent an open letter to Nickelodeon proving Spongebob’s Pineapple was geometrically impossible. Pineapple designer Kenny Pittenger responded on his blog (in video description) by posting a new “mathematically correct” design. This new design is now used on the show.
28. 8675309 is the fourth most common 7-digit password, number one, of course, is 1234567.
29. A Narcissistic number is a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits.
30. The line between the 2 numbers in a fraction is called the Vinculum.
31 Fry Lewis Richardson

A mathematician named Fry Lewis Richardson discovered that it is impossible to measure the length of coastlines in a meaningful manner. This so-called Coastline Paradox later led to the creation of the field of Fractal Geometry.
32. A female English mathematician named Ada Lovelace wrote an algorithm in the mid-1800s designed to be carried out by a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first computer programmer.
33. The integral symbol (∫) used in math is based on the long S symbol because Leibniz thought of the integral as an infinite sum of infinitesimal summands.
34. A German mathematician named Johann Gustav Hermes spent a decade writing a 200-page manuscript about drawing a regular 65537 sided polygon with a compass and a straightedge.
35. A mathematician named George Dantzig solved two of the most famous problems of statistics, because he came into class too late to hear that they were supposed to be unsolvable
Actually trigonometry was invented by Aryabhatta much 1000 years ago than Muslim people. He also gave law of gravitation, value of pie , invention of zero. Perfect astronomy and astrology. Muslims thought they invented it but they were wrong. Please correct the mistake
Double check your facts plebian. The internet is no place to embarrass yourself!
RE: Fact #21 (Kaprekar’s constant) –
Fantastic. It equals