35 Insect Facts to Creep You Out and Delight You

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26Pea aphid

Pea aphid

Some insects like the Pea aphid can explode themselves to frighten or kill enemies. They have been observed doing this after being eaten.

27. Dragonflies breathe through gills in their rectum, and can rapidly propel themselves by suddenly expelling water through the anus.

28. There is a species of ant whose head has evolved into a "door" that can block the entrance to its nest.

29. The Cranefly, also known as Mosquito Hawks, don't actually eat mosquitoes despite popular belief.

30. The Tiger beetle can run so fast it can go blind, having to stop whilst chasing prey so that their sight can 'catch up.'

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31Heater bees

Heater bees

There are "heater bees" who keep their body temperatures 10 degrees hotter than other bees in the colony to keep the hive warm. They also can vary the temperature around developing pupae to determine what kind of honey bee they will become: either forager bees or "housekeeper" bees.

32. Some butterflies can be half male and half female, with one colorful wing and one plain wing.

33. Hero ants live in cliffs/high places and latch onto intruders of the colony. They then fling themselves off the cliff, taking the intruder with them.

34. When grasshoppers experience an increase in serotonin, a common brain chemical, they go through metamorphosis in 2 to 3 hours and become locusts.

35. Mosquitoes normally eat plant nectar and only need blood to lay eggs.

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