30 Strangest Scientific Experiments of All Time

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26Starvation experiment

Starvation experiment

In World War 2 conscientious objectors took part in an experiment in which they were starved for 6 months to decide how to treat victims of mass starvation in Europe.

27. 18th-century French chemist Antoine Lavoisier, as a final experiment told his colleagues that he would try to blink as long as possible after being beheaded. Some sources say he continued to blink for 30 seconds.

28. Quaker Oates and MIT conducted an experiment in Fernald School on unsuspecting, mentally retarded children. They tricked them into eating radioactive cereal by telling them they were in a "science club."

29. An experiment was conducted in a hospital where the sign at a hand-washing station was changed from “Hand hygiene prevents you from catching diseases” to “Hand hygiene prevents patients from catching diseases” resulting in a 45% increase in the use of soap or hand sanitizer.

30. A linguist (dâÄôArmond Speers) in Minnesota spoke only Klingon to his son for the first three years of his life, as an experiment in language acquisition.

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