1Time Check Code

If you hear a time check announced over a loudspeaker in a store (it may sound like, “Time check, the time is 1:30″) it means there’s a bomb threat.
2. In hospitals and medical facilities, they have security investigate fire alarms before calling in the fire department unless the sprinkler system actually goes off. Since they cannot announce over the PA system that the fire alarm is going off, they "Page Mr. Gallagher" to a location. This is the code for security to investigate that location for a potential fire.
3. In online dating ads, if the girl mentions to bring roses, it is code for money and means she's a prostitute.
4. Any US aircraft using the code name "FLYNET" indicates that an aircraft is transporting a nuclear emergency team or a disaster control team to the location of a potential or actual nuclear accident or an accident involving chemical agents or hazardous materials.
5. Code Pink in some hospitals can mean a missing baby, and the initiation of an all-staff response.
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If you hear a flight attendant say "deadhead," they're referring to a crew member who is on duty, but is heading home after the flight.
7. "7500!" You never want your pilot to say or signal this number. It means the plane has been hijacked. Because the meaning of this code has become pretty widespread, many airlines have installed a button or other device in the cockpit that silently switches the plane’s transponder to 7500
8. Code White' inside a Walmart indicates an accident or incident that requires attention. Once a 'Code White' announcement is made, a Walmart Manager rushes to the area or department where the issue had occurred.
9. The euphemisms "Rose Cottage" and "Rainbow's End" are sometimes used in British hospitals to enable discussion of death in front of patients, the latter mainly for children. A similar phrase used is: "transferred to ward 13", as hospitals in the UK routinely do not have such a ward.
10. "Code Adam", is a system at several American retailers that's activated in the event of a missing child. It is named after Adam Walsh (who was murdered) son of John Walsh, former host of America's Most Wanted.
11Dr. Strong

American hospitals may make an announcement calling for "Mr. [or Dr.] Strong", as code to alert orderlies that a patient or visitor at a stated location is in need of physical restraint.
12. When a motorcyclist taps his helmet it means there are cops up ahead.
13. In IT support, the code "ID10T" is used humorously to refer to computer errors (pronounced ID ten T) to indicate that the error is the result of the user's stupidity.
14. Printers print an invisible secret code called Machine Identification Code on every single page you print for the lawmakers to track date, time and serial number of the printer that prints it.
15. Violets represented a secret code between lesbians, identifying them among heterosexual peers, and in films. The tradition originated from Sappho’s poetry in 600 B.C.
16Obituaries Secret Code

Obituaries have long employed a secret code, a shorthand to mask causes of death that survivors found embarrassing. When HIV/AIDS began claiming lives in the 1980s, young men were said to have simply succumbed to "pneumonia." There is also a code for gay men that says they were "Unmarried" or "Confirmed bachelor." The codes “died at home” or “died suddenly” or simply “passed away” come out when there’s a drug overdose or a suicide.
17. The lamp posts in Central Park in Manhattan have secret codes on their base so that you won't get lost. The newer street lights have a code that is similar to C8202. C meaning center drive (W and E meaning West or east respectively). 82 meaning the closest street is 82 st. And the last 2 numbers meaning the pole in that area as it corresponds to a map.
18. Flippable yellow signs which you may sometimes in commonly in Hollywood and sometimes in other cities are secret-coded directions for actors to get to filming locations. They often feature insider jokes like: "Freezer Burn" signs pointing to the Captain America shoot (a reference to him being put on ice)
19. "Friend of Dorothy" was code popular in the 80's, which gay men used for secretly identifying each other. The higher ups in the Navy believed that there actually was some woman named Dorothy at the center of a massive ring of homosexual military personnel, so they launched an enormous and futile hunt for the elusive "Dorothy".
20. Tanker trucks transporting dangerous goods are labelled with UN numbers. There are lots of these numbers, but the useful ones are these. 1202 means diesel, 1203 is for gasoline, 1075 is for propane, 1267 is for crude, 1993 is for anything flammable,
21Hobo Secret Code

Hobos have secret codes called the Hobo Code that was drafted at an 1889 Hobo Convention in St. Louis to help other hobos and also to warn them of dangers in the area. For example, their symbol for "kindhearted lady" is a cat.
22. The handkerchief code was common among homosexual males seeking casual sex and for BDSM during the 1970s. The color of the bandana and which pocket it's displayed in indicates what type of sex they're seeking.
23. When a wasp lays an egg in a leaf bud on an oak tree, it develops into a little, apple-like fruit known as an oak gall. The development of the oak gall is stimulated by a chemical released by the larva. The larva consumes the gall tissue as its food source. It will consume it and the tree's roots before finally developing wings and flying away. Up until the middle of the nineteenth century, the most common ink recipe was an iron and oak galls mixture. The United States Postal Service even had its own official recipe.
24. A fungus called chaga thrives on tree trunks, particularly those of birch trees. The conk it creates is a woody structure that feeds off of the wood itself. The fungus Inonotus obliquus is the cause, and because this woody growth has stimulating properties, people have used it to make chaga tea and traditional medicine.
25. Grapes are susceptible to a fungal disease known as Botrytis cinerea. It makes the grapes dry out and shrink, which concentrates the sugars and their flavor. As a result, these grapes can be used to produce top-tier dessert wines like Sauternes and Trockenbeerenauslese. However, not every botrytis is good for grapes; in fact, certain types can cause total crop failure.