27 Little-Known Facts About Game Shows and Their Stars



"The Price Is Right" television show once gave a treadmill to a contestant in a wheelchair.

12Schlag den Raab

Schlag den Raab

There is a German tv show (Schlag den Raab) where you compete against the show’s host in all kinds of games (everything from sports, quiz, fun stuff, etc.). The price is 500,000 euros for every show but if the host wins it goes into the jackpot which is at 3.5 million euro.

13Beat the Crusher

Beat the Crusher

There was a British game show called 'Beat the Crusher', in which couples competed to win a new car. The losing team had their own car crushed right before their very eyes.



In an episode of a trivia game show: 1 vs 100, there was a chimpanzee named Jake in the 100. In the first round, one person got the question wrong and it wasn't Jake, the chimpanzee.



There was a reality show named Shattered in 2004 that had contestants stay awake for a week, and were punished if they closed their eyes for more than 10 seconds.

16Kerry Ketchem

Kerry Ketchem

In 1988, a contestant named Kerry Ketchem on the game show "Super Password" won the highest jackpot in the history of the show at the time ($55,000), only to be arrested shortly after due to a viewer of the show revealing that the contestant was a wanted fraudster in Alaska, Indiana, and California.

17The Great British Bake Off

The Great British Bake Off

The contestants on the popular TV show 'The Great British Bake Off' have to pay for their own ingredients. They are only provided ingredients if they make it to the final rounds of the competition.

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18Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

In 2017, a "Wheel of Fortune" contestant lost because he had to solve "A STREETCAR NA_ED DESIRE" and he guessed "K" thinking that the missing word was "NAKED."



A contestant named Pim on the Dutch TV show "Who is the worst driver of the Netherlands?" ran down the TV presenter during the filming of the final episode.

20Touch the Truck

Touch the Truck

There was a game show in 2001 called Touch the Truck, in which the person who could touch a stationary truck for the longest without falling asleep won the truck. The winner lasted over 81 hours and sold the truck to fund a political party.


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