25 Unusual Sports From Around the World

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21 Birdman competition

Birdman competition

An ancient tribe on Easter Island held an annual “Birdman” competition which involved racing down a steep mountain, swimming through shark-infested waters, and waiting days for a bird to lay an egg, nab it, and then race back.

22 Plunge for distance

Plunge for distance

The plunge for distance is a former Olympic sport in which contestants plunged into the water and, without moving any of their limbs, float as far as they can for 60 seconds. A sportswriter in the New York Times described it as “slowest thing in the way of athletic competition”.

23 Banzai Skydiving

Banzai Skydiving

There is a sport called Banzai Skydiving. You throw the parachute out of the airplane first and then jump after it.

24 Battle of Nations

Battle of Nations

Battle of Nations is an international, full-contact, historical medieval competition where people wear real armor and fight with real weapons every year in a castle in Europe.

25 Hide and Seek World Championship

Hide and Seek World Championship

There is an annual international hide and seek world competition that is held in a ghost town in Italy.

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