25 Interesting Facts about Burgers

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1 Kangaroo burgers

Kangaroo burgers

There is a restaurant in America called Twisted Root Burger Co that serves kangaroo burgers, beaver burgers, ostrich/emu burgers, and more.

2. In 1996, McDonald’s attempted to introduce a hamburger called the “Arch Deluxe,” a higher-end burger marketed specifically to adults. It was released with one of the most expensive advertising campaigns to date and was a complete failure.

3. Burger King had one of the most expensive recalls in history after a 13-month-old girl suffocated on a Poké Ball (a toy) that was included with Kids’ meals.

4. You can order a Land, Sea and Air Burger off of McDonald’s secret menu.

5. In 2008, Burger King released a meat-scented cologne called “Flame.”

6 Big Macs

Big Macs

In 2004-2005, McDonald’s paid rappers to mention Big Macs in their songs and paid them $5 each time their songs got played on the radio.

7. In 2011, Argentina’s government forced McDonald’s to sell Big Macs at artificially low prices so that the country’s performance would appear better on The Economist’s Big Mac Index.

8. McDonald’s is basically a real estate company: “We are in the real estate business. The only reason we sell hamburgers is because they are the greatest producer of revenue from which our tenants can pay us rent.” – Harry J. Sonneborne, McDonald’s founder.

9. The reason why breakfast isn’t served all day at McDonald’s is mainly because the grill temperature required to cook beef patties is significantly different from the temperature at which eggs are cooked.

10. In 2009, Burger King launched a campaign that if you unfriended 10 friends on Facebook, you were entitled to a free whopper. The ex-friend would then receive a message explaining that their friendship was less valuable than a whopper.

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11 McDonald’s burger

McDonald's burger

McDonald’s burger doesn’t rot and it’s not because there are any mysterious chemicals in it, but because low moisture and dehydration basically turn it into a jerky.

12. Muhammad Ali, being refused a hamburger and told, “We don’t serve negroes”, replied, “That’s OK. I don’t eat ’em.”

13. The Economist has an indicator of the purchasing power of a country measured in how many Big Macs could be bought in that country with $50 USD – The Big Mac Index.

14. In 2009, Microsoft promoted Windows 7 in Japan by partnering with Burger King to release a 7 patty Whopper.

15. In 2000, the former dictator of North Korea Kim Jong Il said that he created the “Hamburger.”

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16 Commercial burgers

Commercial burgers

The reason that burgers look so good in commercials is because they are undercooked.

17. During World War 1, the United States Government tried to rename hamburgers as “liberty sandwiches” to promote patriotism.

18. Pizza Hut in the Middle East sells a cheeseburger crust pizza.

19. In 1968 in Mattoon, Illinois, a small restaurant called “Burger King” won a lawsuit against the giant fast-food chain of the same name because they had trademarked the name first. Today, there are no Burger King joints legally allowed within 20 miles of this restaurant.

20. Japanese McDonald’s sells a burger called Big America.

15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History

21 Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr. claims that Burger King saved his life from his drug addiction. While at a stop at Burger King in 2003, his car had “tons of f***ing dope.” He ate a burger and he found it so disgusting that it made him rethink his life. He then threw all his drugs into the ocean.

22. In Holland, a McDonald’s worker bought a hamburger and then asked for a slice of cheese. The cashier was fired for not charging her the full price of a cheeseburger. Taken to court, the Court responded that a warning would have been enough and ordered them to pay her $5900 for 5 months’ pay.

23. The Big Mac had two previous names: “aristocrat” and “blue ribbon burger”, both of which failed in the marketplace.

24. In Australia, Burger King is called “Hungry Jack’s.”

25. In ‘n’ Out Burger used to let customers add as many extra patties with cheese as they wanted to their burgers until one group of 8 ordered one burger with 100 patties, which contained 19,450 kcals.

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  1. It’s interesting to know that there are other kinds of burgers like kangaroo, beaver, and ostrich ones that I’m not aware of. Still, I’m not sure if I’ll be ready to try those ingredients and explore my tastebuds’ preference. I’ll probably still choose a beef burger restaurant if I were to choose from these options.

  2. In the UK McDonalds, the eggs and burgers are cooked on a different cookers, so we could do all day breakfasts.



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