11 Black mamba
A black mamba is the fastest snake which can slither at a speed of 12.5 miles an hour (20km/hr). They have neurotoxins that are fast-acting. The venom shuts down the nervous system and paralyzes the victim. Its venom can kill 10 people and it repeatedly bites. To add to this, it has an almost 100% kill rate and can kill a person in 20 minutes.
12 Infant procedure
It wasn’t until 1987 that the American Academy of Pediatrics declared it unethical to operate on newborns without anesthesia. Until surprisingly recently, the medical community felt it would be dangerous to give infants anesthesia and/or believed that they didn’t feel pain.
13 Pirates of the Caribbean ride
When creating the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland, they couldn’t create skeletons that looked “realistic” enough, so they used real human skeletons from UCLA medical center. They’ve since removed all of them except one.
14 Ducks
Ducks will sometimes become cannibalistic due to boredom, lack of ventilation, or faulty nutrition. They can only be stopped by cutting off their “mouths.”
15 Artyom Sidorkin
It was once discovered that something really strange was growing inside a human body. Artyom Sidorkin went to the doctors suspecting something wrong with his lungs. The doctors thought they were dealing with a tumor but turns out he had inhaled a fir tree seed which had sprouted and had begun growing in his lungs.
16 Old
If you live to the age of 70 you will have shed around 105 pounds of skin over your lifetime.
17 Coffin birth
It’s quite common for dead bodies to burp a lot as there is a lot of gas buildup after death. The dead body of a pregnant woman can “give birth” to the fetus inside as a result of the increasing pressure of intra-abdominal gases. This is called coffin birth.
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18 Mount Everest
Mount Everest is covered in frozen corpses because removing them is very unsafe and time-consuming. Even scarier is the fact that bodies don’t decompose up there. They either look like mummies or someone sleeping. They are easily viewed from the climbing routes and some are even used as trail markers. One section of the Mount Everest climbing trail is even named “Rainbow Valley”, due to the bright clothing and climbing gear on many of the bodies. It’s located near the summit.
19 Blue-ringed octopus
Imagine being totally aware of someone performing CPR but you physically can’t move or respond. Well, that’s what happens when you get bitten by a blue-ringed octopus. You have approximately 6 minutes between being bitten and someone starting CPR to keep your heart and lungs functioning to ensure you survive, all whilst being totally aware of what is happening to you. The venom of the blue-ringed octopus is 1000 times more powerful than cyanide and has enough venom that could kill about 26 humans in a minute. One guy who got stung, got CPR performed on him and survived but went blind because he was lying on his back, eyes open, unable to blink because of the paralysis, starring into the sun. Imagine lying there, unable to move, unable to communicate, the sun slowly burning out your eyes and you can’t shut them.
20 Impending doom
A “sense of impending doom” is a medically recognized symptom and can indicate certain conditions especially in case of a heart attack. It can present itself before any physical symptoms are detectable.