Mysterio might actually hold the title for the man who’s caused the X-Men the most pain, based mostly on his appearance in Old Man Logan. In one of the most brutal and horrifying moments in comics history, Wolverine wakes up one day to find the X-Men mansion overrun with enemies. He kills scores of supervillains before Mysterio reveals that it had all been an illusion—Wolverine had in fact been killing all of his fellow X-Men, as well as the mansion’s young students, as they begged for him to stop. Afterward, Wolverine left the mansion and didn’t unsheathe his claws for 50 years, living as a shell of his former self.
Loki, the God of Mischief, knows how to make life difficult for Thor and anyone else he views as a threat. At one point Loki used his shapeshifting abilities to turn himself into Sif, Thor’s ex-lover. This switch also accompanied some time traveling, which Loki used to kill his grandfather Bor. Loki also convinced Asgard that their ally, Beta Ray Bill, was a villainous Skrull. Thor caught on eventually, but by then, the damage was done.
3Wolverine and Sabretooth
On Wolverine’s birthday, he keeps an eye out for Sabretooth. The villainous mutant has the pesky habit of stalking Wolverine every year on his birthday, or the day Wolverine thinks is his birthday. Sabretooth never attacks but he’s there somewhere when Wolverine is blowing out his candles.
4William Stryker
Reverend William Stryker, the man crusading against mutants in the X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills, has drawn comparisons to Mike Pence for his appearance. Artist Brent Anderson is aware of the comparison and confirms Stryker’s look was based on Alexander Haig, Ronald Reagan’s secretary of state.
Bonebreaker was one of Donald Pierce’s Reavers, an army of cyborgs. Bonebreaker also has a cannon in his torso. Many of the Reavers were people Wolverine left for dead, who needed metal replacements for parts that the feisty Canadian chopped off.
6Doctor Doom
Doctor Doom recognizes that a villain needs to be powerful to overcome his nemesis, so why not sacrifice his estranged wife in exchange for power? Doom allowed a pack of demons to tear his wife apart and give him new magical armor crafted from her skin.
7Wolverine and Itsu
Wolverine is infamous for his tragic past and the misery that follows him throughout life. Most of his love interests die and most of his attempts to lead a normal life get upended when his loved ones are in danger. One of Wolverine’s love interests, Itsu, was murdered by The Winter Soldier while she was pregnant. The unborn baby survived and became another one of Wolverine’s enemies, his son Daken. Daken eventually joined the Avengers and the X-Men, but not before nearly killing his dad by eviscerating him.
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8Donald Pierce
You might remember Donald Pierce, the metal-armed villain from Logan. In the comics, he joins The Hellfire Club as a way to get closer to mutants. By this point in the comics, evil mutants have infiltrated the group, and Pierce’s real intentions are to kill its leaders.
Killgrave is arguably the best villain in the Marvel Universe, brought to creepy and charismatic life on Netflix by David Tennant. In the comics, Zebediah Killgrave is known as The Purple Man, due to his skin color—a side-effect of his powers. Like the comics, Killgrave uses his hypno-pheromones to keep Jessica Jones a prisoner for months.
10Captain America
Marvel faced a wave of backlash when Captain America was revealed to be a Hydra agent all along. The full story is still unfolding, but the basic explanation is that a sentient Cosmic Cube, as seen in Avengers, rewrote Captain’s history, changing him into a young soldier raised by Hydra.