18 Shocking Facts About Marvel’s Iconic Villains

11Omega Red

Omega Red

Omega Red is a Russian murderer who was later experimented on by the Soviets, gifting him with carbonadium tentacles. Omega Red has a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it appearance in Deadpool 2 but may have more screen time in the bonus Blu-Ray footage, since there is a scene titled “Chess with Omega Red.”

12Mister Sinister

Mister Sinister

X-Men villain Mister Sinister was born in the 19th century and was actually a scientific peer to Charles Darwin. He became a pariah among the scientific community later though, as they looked down on some of his methods like experimenting on homeless people.

13Graydon Creed

Graydon Creed

During the ‘60s, Sabretooth met and fell in love with Leni Zauber, who was actually Mystique in disguise. The two had a month-long fling while they worked together as government operatives, but things soured a bit when Sabretooth found out about Zauber’s true identity. Either way, they got back together decades later and had a human son, Graydon Creed, who would go on to become an anti-mutant activist.



Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds, was stomping around before The Big Bang. Galactus was originally a humanoid explorer from the planet Taa, but the Big Bang wiped out his universe. Afterward, he became the world devourer we all know and love today.

15American Kaiju

American Kaiju

One of the newest additions to the Marvel rogues’ gallery is American Kaiju. Corporal Todd Ziller volunteered for a program that was meant to replicate the success of the program that led to Captain America. However, the program filled some of its gaps Jurassic Park-style with Pym particles and gamma radiation, leading to a giant reptilian creature.



Mojo is a yellow-skinned, robot-legged creature living in his own world. On Mojoworld, Mojo has enslaved the population to be an audience for his shows, which typically involve younger versions of Marvel heroes. Mojo turned the X-Men into X-Babies but wasn’t able to keep them loyal to him.



Marvel introduced the Mental Organism Designed as America’s King (M.O.D.A.A.K) in 2016. The character bears a certain resemblance to a contemporary political figure, and it also hates foreigners. M.O.D.A.A.K is defeated by a black female Captain America after threatening to crush her in “my powerful hands.”

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18X-Men Black

X-Men Black

The villains are getting some love with X-Men Black, a series of five one-shot stories that each focus on a different villain: Magneto, Emma Frost, Mystique, Juggernaut, and Mojo.


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