10 Interesting Shower Thoughts – Part 1

“Showerthought” is a loose term that applies to the types of thoughts you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming. At their best, Showerthoughts are universally relatable and find the amusing/interesting within the mundane.

When medication says

 Tinder is the opposite of porn site advertisements. There actually are a ton of hot singles in my area, but none of them are interested in me.

It must suck to be an air conditioner repairman. You spend your day working in buildings that have no air conditioning. When it's fixed and finally cool, you leave.

 I'm not a millennial, but if I was I'd be damn tired of another article every other day with a new theory about who millennials are and what they want.

I wish you could just record silence and then play it on loudspeakers on full blast to make the whole room quiet.

At some point I worry that self driving cars will go a route just to ensure you see certain stores or billboards, the real world equivalent of a pop up ad

There shouldn't be a stigma about going to the movies alone. The activity where you can't talk to someone should be the one you can do alone.

Dogs are like having children on easy mode. They will eat literally anything, shit outside, and won't ever go to college. And they think you're the greatest thing in the world just because you are there

Scotch aged 12 years sounds a lot better than Scotch from 2005.

As a loyal customer, I feel really ripped off when companies have a promotion for new customers but offer nothing for customers who have been with them for years.

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