1Persian Pastry
“Persian” is a kind of pastry that’s available only in the Canadian city of Thunder Bay. Its recipe is a tightly guarded secret to the point that people don’t actually know what kind of berry is used for its topping.
2. In the early/mid-1900s, a dish called "candle salad" was popular. It involved a banana stuck through a pineapple wheel with whipped cream dripping off. It looked exactly like you'd imagine.
3. Sausages have been commonly referred to as "dogs" since the 1800s due to a belief that sausage makers used dog meat in their sausages. Consumption of dog meat was common in Germany up to the early 1900s so this suspicion was "occasionally justified."
4. The reason that cashews are expensive is because they grow individually on a apple like fruit and must be removed manually. Their shells are also toxic.
5. One medium McDonald's milk shake contains 630 calories, the same as a whole average dinner meal. One milkshake also contains 90 grams of sugar which is more than your daily maximum recommended sugar intake of around 75 grams.
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6Avocado Toast
Avocado Toast is not a new dish but has been consumed in San Francisco for 135 years.
7. Garum is a type of fish sauce that the Romans adored. It smelled so bad that Garum factories could only be found outside the city walls, but it was still the ancient world's favorite topping, which accompanied most of their foods.
8. ChiChi is a dish created by inmates prisons across USA. It consists of Ramen, Cheese, Rice, Beans, Honey, BBQ sauce, which are all the items commonly found in commissaries. It is cooked in secret using an extension cord connected to nail clippers. Most prisons have their own unique recipe.
9. The Germans have a party food called 'Mettigel'. It's a hedgehog made of raw pork, with olives for eyes and onion quills.
10. 95%-99% of the Wasabi you eat at American sushi restaurants is actually horseradish dyed green. You are not getting the real thing.
Pepperoni is an American food. In Italy, “pepperoni” refers to bell peppers, and there is no Italian salami by that name.
12. Vindaloo curry originated from Portuguese sailors’ dish carne de vinha d’alhos (“meat in garlic wine marinade”). The basic structure of the dish was “preserved” raw ingredients, packed in wooden barrels of layers of pork and garlic, soaked in red wine. This was “Indianized” by the local Goan cooks.
13. In 19th-Century America, popcorn was eaten with milk and sweetener as a breakfast cereal.
14. There is a Taiwanese dish called "Yin Yang fish". It consists of a whole fried fish whose head remains alive. The body is dipped into frying oil, while its head is protected. The fish is covered in sauce and served, with its mouth continuing to gasp, especially when irritated by the sauce.
15. In Philippines, Balut is a fertilized developing duck egg embryo which is commonly sold as street food. The egg is incubated and is usually about a week short of hatching. It was once considered a delicacy but is now as common as ice cream on a hot day.
16La Pajata
A traditional Roman dish called La Pajata is made with the unemptied intestines of an unweaned week old calf. They are often served with tomato sauce and rigatoni.
17. Mulukhiyah is Egypt’s national dish. In its cooking instructions, it says that the oil has to be heated until it starts sizzling, to create a characteristic sound which people traditionally respond to with the shahka (Arabic: grasp for breath in fear or surprise).
18. A possible inspiration for the dessert Baklava might have been the unfortunately named "placenta cake," an ancient Roman dish with several layers of dough, cheese, honey, and bay leaves.
19. There is a Japanese dish called Jingisukan ("Genghis Khan") which is lamb cooked on a helmet-shaped grill, as it is believed that Mongolian soldiers used to use their helmets to cook their food.
20. The German currywurst was created by a woman named Herta Heuwer in 1949. She obtained ketchup and curry powder from British soldiers in Germany and started selling her dish in the district of Charlottenburg, Berlin.
21Candy Cigarettes
Candy Cigarettes were introduced in the late 19th century. They were wrapped in paper and packaged to resemble cigarettes. Some contained powdered sugar, allowing users to blow and produce clouds of sugar, imitating smoke. Candy cigarettes are currently banned in many countries including the United Kingdom.
22. Nutraloaf is a meatloaf found in prisons that is so bland that a court ruled that serving it to misbehaving prisoners is a "cruel and unusual punishment."
23. Cheetos are designed specifically to melt in your mouth, tricking your brain into thinking they don't contain calories, causing you to constantly crave more.
24. The cupcakes are named as such, not because of their shape, but because they are made using ingredient increments of 1 Cup measurements.
25. In France, a straight croissant (not curved) means it is made with 100% butter, a sign of high quality.