The Secrets of Cinema: 40 Movie Details That Will Make You Love Films Even More – Part 5

11Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War

At the end of Captain America: Civil War (2016), Vision is seen contemplating the role he played in the “catastrophe” he had predicted. He is holding a Rook, the only chess piece that represents a thing instead of a person.

12Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2

In Deadpool 2 (2018), Deadpool drinks bleach labeled "Agent K" which was Josh Brolin's (Cable) character in Men In Black 3.

13Monsters Inc

Monsters Inc

In Monsters Inc. (2001) during the scare floor scene, the large button on the top left corner of the keyboard says 'FIZT'. That is the name of the hair simulation physics tool used to animate the characters' hair.

14Lilo & Stitch

Lilo & Stitch

In Lilo & Stitch (2002), while Stitch is acting like a superhero during the laundry scene, he strikes Batman's iconic pose from the cover of "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" #1.

15Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok

One of the girls who took a selfie with Thor in Thor: Ragnarok (2017) is Taylor Hemsworth, Chris Hemsworths' second cousin.

16Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame

In Avengers: Endgame (2019), when Cap and Stark go back to 1970, the rank labeled on Cap's hat is Captain.

17Rogue One

Rogue One

In Star Wars: Rogue one (2016), the production team used a London subway station as a stage prop for the Empire base.

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18Impractical Jokers: The Movie

Impractical Jokers: The Movie

Will Ferrell makes a cameo in Impractical Jokers: The Movie (2020) as a background extra. Ferrell's company Funny or Die co-produced the movie.

19Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo

At the dentist in Finding Nemo (2003), there is a kid that reads Mr. Incredible comic book.

20Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz

In Hot Fuzz (2007), Micheal Armstrong (Lurch) can be found “resting in peas” after being defeated by Nick Angle in the supermarket.


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