1Take This Lollipop
Take This Lollipop is an interactive film which accesses viewer's Facebook profile and locates the viewer's home from data in the profile. It depicts the dangers in posting too much personal info on the Internet. Information gathered is then deleted which makes the film different for each viewer.
2. 4chan rigged Pitbull's facebook contest so that he would perform at a Walmart in Kodiak, Alaska, a city with a population of less than 7000. Despite knowing what happened, Pitbull went through with it anyway.
3. When Facebook users voted for Taylor Swift to perform at a school for deaf students as a prank, the school was removed from the contest, but Swift donated $10,000 to the school, 4 companies matched her donation, VH1 gave $10,000 in instruments, and Swift gave the students tickets to her Boston concert.
4. A Minnesota burglar named Nicholas Wig was caught after he logged into his own Facebook account on a computer in the house he was robbing. The homeowner returned to find the perp's account still logged in.
5. Apple and Facebook have said they will cover the cost of freezing the eggs of female employees who want to delay having a baby while they pursue their careers.
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A federal court in California ruled in 2016 that a lawsuit against Facebook can proceed. The suit claims Facebook is illegally collecting biometric data from people "tagged" in photos posted by other users.
7. The studies have shown that an increase in Facebook usage is heavily linked to decrease in satisfaction with your own life and a higher likelihood of depression.
8. People who post Facebook status updates about their romantic partner are more likely to have low self-esteem, while those who brag about diets, exercise, and accomplishments are typically narcissists.
9. In 2009, Burger King launched a campaign that if you unfriended 10 friends on Facebook you were entitled to a free whopper. The ex-friend would receive a message explaining that their friendship was less valuable than a whopper.
10. When Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2004, he bragged about people trusting his site with personal information. He called the users "dumb f*cks" for trusting him.
A third of all divorce filings of 2011 in the U.S. contained the word 'Facebook'.
12. In 2005, Mark Zuckerberg offered to sell Facebook to Myspace. Myspace CEO Chris DeWolfe rejected Zuckerberg's asking price of 75 million dollars.
13. In a Fox News interview, for Now You See Me, Morgan Freeman fell asleep while co-star Michael Caine was chatting. Freeman responded, “Regarding my recent interview, I wasn’t actually sleeping. I’m a beta tester for Google Eyelids and I was merely taking the opportunity to update my Facebook page”.
14. Facebook's first annual Hacker Cup coding challenge was won by a programmer named Petr Mitrichev at Google. He showed up at Facebook headquarters to collect his prize while wearing his Google employee badge.
15. The facial recognition algorithms in use by Facebook outperforms those in use by the FBI.
16Jon and Tracy Morter
In 2009, a couple named Jon and Tracy Morter from the UK started a Facebook campaign to make Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name" the #1 Christmas single. The song sold 500,000 copies beating the 4 year run of X-factor winners. All proceeds went to homeless charities.
17. A stray dog named Rufus in Afghanistan saved 50 American soldiers. A Facebook group raised $21,000 to bring the dogs back to the US and reunite them with the soldiers.
18. Back in 2011, Julian Assange called Facebook the "most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented."
19. When Stephen Colbert ran for president in 2008, the Facebook group supporting the campaign became the fastest growing group in the site's history, surpassing a million members in 9 days.
20. As of 2014, over 30 million Facebook accounts belong to dead people.
21Facebook and Twitter
France has banned mentions of Twitter and Facebook on TV and radio, as in "Follow us on Twitter" or "Like us on Facebook" because they were deemed as promotion and unfair to other sites.
22. When Facebook acquired Instagram for about $1 billion, the company had just 13 employees.
23. Facebook turned down WhatsApp founder Brian Acton for a job before they bought his app for $19 Billion.
24. Natalie Portman helped with the writing of "The Social Network" by providing inside information about the social life at Harvard because she was a Harvard student at the time Facebook first appeared there. The lines "Who was the movie star?", "Does it matter?" in the movie refers to her.
25. In 2006, CNN included Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on their "10 People Who Don't Matter" list.