1AC power system
Nikola Tesla, widely known as the inventor of the AC power system, also installed the first hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls in 1896. It was around this time that Tesla also disavowed coal and oil in favor of renewable energy sources.
2Pop-out cake
Nikola Tesla was at the first party to have a stripper jump out of a cake.
Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain were friends. They met at a club in New York and struck up a friendship. Tesla even helped Twain with some gastrointestinal issues by having Twain stand on an oscillating platform for 90 seconds, causing him to run for the bathroom.
Nikola Tesla could speak eight languages: Serbo-Croatian, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and even Latin.
Nikola Tesla was voluntarily chaste, despite numerous women "vying for his affections... some even madly in love with him", because he believed sex inhibited his abilities to think in a scientific manner.
6School children experiment
Nikola Tesla planned to secretly experiment on children, lining the walls of schoolrooms with high-voltage lines, believing that exposing them to the energy would make them healthier and smarter, and he believed every home in the future would soon do likewise.
Nikola Tesla became interested in electricity after his cat gave him an electric shock.
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8Earthquake machine
Nikola Tesla once caused an earthquake in Manhattan by creating an artificial earthquake machine. The machine achieved this by reaching the resonant frequency of his building through a simple piston suspended in a cylinder.
Nikola Tesla drank whiskey every day because he thought it would make him live to 150.
Nikola Tesla was an advocate of sterilizing criminals, people with mental problems, and believed that by 2100 people who aren't "desirable parents" shouldn't be able to breed.
Nikola Tesla outshined that Edison in every aspect of life as we know it today.
Edison stole inventions from his employees to claim that they were his own.
Tesla was absolutely genuine in all of his endeavors.