1Red kidney beans

Dry red kidney beans can be toxic if they are cooked in a slow cooker, which doesn't get hot enough to get rid of phytohemagglutinin, which can cause red blood cells to clump together.
2Sardinian Cheese

Sardinian Cheese is illegal in most countries due to its preparation which is brutal. The cheese is made from goat’s milk which is fermented in the stomach of a newborn baby goat. The baby goat is then killed, its milk-filled stomach then hung up for months while the milk hardens into cheese. It is then served with a knife.
3Fish frying

When frying fish, you can get rid of the stinky smell by adding a spoonful of peanut butter to the pan.

Deglazing is a fancy and intimidating word that means to pour some cold liquid into a very hot pan to get up all the brown bits stuck to the bottom of the pan. Those brown bits are where all the flavors are, and it is called “fond.”
5Cooking pasta

The only reason to add salt to water for cooking pasta is to add flavor. It would take 15 tablespoons of salt to raise the boiling temperature of 1 liter of water by 2 degrees.

In Iceland, there is a traditional bread named Rúgbrauð that you can bake in a pot by burying it in the ground near a hot spring.
7Iron skillet

When cooking in a cast-iron skillet, the amount of iron in the food may increase by 850%.
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8Ice beer

"Ice beer" is made by freezing beer and skimming off the ice crystals, upping the alcohol content.
9Egg cream

An Egg cream is a beverage consisting of milk, carbonated water, and flavored syrup. The drink contains neither eggs nor cream.
10Cold-brew tea

Cold-brew tea can be made in a fraction of the normal steep time by using ultrasound. The same process can be used for ultrasonic cold-brewed coffee.