Social Tumult: 28 Powerful Facts About Riots

11Southern Bread Riots

Southern Bread Riots

The Southern Bread Riots started as protests mostly by women who were protesting huge surges in food costs during the Civil War. The protests culminated into riots in Richmond, Virginia with chants of “bread or blood!” Food prices had soared to prices ten times higher than normal in many instances. Among the items stolen were 500 lbs of bacon.

12New York City Police Riot

New York City Police Riot

The New York City Police Riot of 1857 was a battle between the recently dissolved Municipal Police and the newly formed Metropolitan Police. Municipals fought Metropolitans attempting to arrest the corrupt Mayor Wood. The situation later required the intervention of the New York State Militia.

13Nazi riot

Nazi riot

In Toronto, 1933, an amateur baseball game broke out into a massive race riot when a group of Nazi sympathizers, protesting the Jewish players, unveiled a crude Swastika flag. "A crowd of more than 10,000 citizens, excited by cries of 'Heil Hitler' became suddenly a disorderly mob."

14Stonewall Riots

Stonewall Riots

During the Stonewall Riots of 1969, the gay rioters responded to the arrival of the tactical riot squad by forming Rockette style kick-lines, and shouting to the tune of Howdy Doody “We are the Stonewall girls/ We wear our hair in curls/ We don't wear underwear/ We show our pubic hairs.”

15Cat burial riot

Cat burial riot

In 1885, there was a riot in a Scottish churchyard when an old woman tried to give her cat a "Christian burial."

16Potato riot

Potato riot

In 1840, Russian Peasants rioted against attempts to make them grow potatoes, which they distrusted because potatoes were mentioned in the Bible.

17Cabbage Patch Kids dolls riot

Cabbage Patch Kids dolls riot

In 1983, several riots broke out when people tried to buy Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, which were in high demand and low supply. Some people would attack others with handheld weapons such as baseball bats.

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18Halifax riot

Halifax riot

In Halifax, Nova Scotia celebrations for the end of World War 2 descended into a 2-day riot as servicemen looted the city. A reporter compared the scene to "London after the Blitz". 65,000 quarts of liquor, 8000 cases of beer, and 1500 cases of wine were 'liberated'. 2 men died of alcohol poisoning.

19Astor Place Riot

Astor Place Riot

During the Astor Place Riot of 1849, 22-31 people died and over 120 were injured. The riot started over a dispute whether an American or a British actor was the best Shakespearean actor.

20Bombay dog riots

Bombay dog riots

In 1832, a British magistrate decided to cull the stray dog population by placing a bounty on each dog killed for which the Parsi Community retaliated by closing off their businesses creating economic chaos in the city. This event came to be known as the Bombay dog riots. Parsis won when the British decided to relocate stray dogs.


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