1Korean birthday
In Korea, everyone is 1 from the time they are born and everyone gets a year older on New Year's Day. So your Korean age is always either one or two years older than your Western age.
2Salad tossing
In Malaysian-Chinese culture, the new year is commemorated by tossing a salad.
Longplayer is a composition that comprises of six short pieces of music designed to play without repetition for 1,000 years. It began playing on January 1, 2000, and will end on December 31, 2999. Its permanent home is Trinity Bouy Wharf in London, and it can be streamed online.
4King slap
The people of ancient Babylon celebrated the new year by slapping the king in the face. If he cried, it was considered a blessing from the Gods.
5New Year
In 45 B.C., the New Year was moved from March 1 to January 1. Then December 25 was set as the beginning of the New Year. Then it was changed to March 25. Between 1582 and 1752 there were two calendars. Gregorian then replaced the Julian Calendar and January 1 became the legal New Year.
6Network Control Protocol
On 1 January in 1983, NCP (Network Control Protocol) was switched to TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). This was the key transition that paved the way for today’s Internet.
7Loony Dook
Every New Year's Day in Scotland since 1986, a polar plunge event called Loony Dook has been held. The event was initially jokingly suggested as a hangover cure but has been repeated every year since then for charity.
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8Theodore Roosevelt
On January 1, 1907, Theodore Roosevelt shook the hands of 8,510 people, setting a world record he held for over 70 years.
9Moon Pie
The city of Mobile, Alabama, Southern US State, rings in the new year by dropping a Moon Pie.
10Blackout Special
On January 1, 1942, car companies had to stop using chrome because of the war, resulting in Blackout Specials.