26UK's Satellite Launch and Abandonment

The UK is the only country to have successfully developed and then abandoned the capability to launch satellites into space. The Black Arrow rocket launched the Prospero satellite into orbit from Australia in October 1971. Costs led to the cancellation of the project in the same year.
27. The term "Cyber Monday" dates back to the early 2000s and refers to a time when most people still had dial-up internet at home. They would use their employers' high-speed internet connections to shop online upon returning to work after the Thanksgiving break.
28. Eddie Rickenbacker, the World War I Ace of Aces pilot, survived being stranded at sea for 24 days by eating a seagull that landed on his head.
29. The phrase "getting sent up the river" originates from Sing Sing Prison, which is situated 30 miles up the Hudson River from New York City.
30. The galaxy "MCG+01-02-015" is one of the loneliest galaxies ever spotted. There are no other galaxies near it within a 100 million-light-year radius.