26Museum of Wax Moulages

The University of Zurich maintains a wax exhibit dedicated to diseased human body parts. Historical models from the 1800s are utilized to teach and inform the public about skin disorders, skin cancer, and STDs.
27. Due to how realistic the game is, footage from the military sandbox game Arma 3 has been used in the news as if it were real combat footage more than once.
28. The glass doors on a wood fireplace are supposed to be open when a fire is going.
29. The chief officers of the German-owned cargo ship RMS Mülheim ran into trouble in 2003. While attempting to untangle his pants from his chair, he fell and knocked himself out. The ship ran into rocks and eventually broke up while he was unconscious.
30. In spite of the invention of the computer mouse, Douglas Engelbart never saw a dime in royalties. "SRI (Stanford Research Institute) patented the mouse, but they had no concept of its potential," he stated in an interview. They eventually admitted that they had licensed the technology to Apple Computer for about $40,000.
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31Jet Turbine Blades Structure

Jet turbine blades are made in such a way that the entire blade is a single metallic crystal, oriented so it is strongest at the leading edge.
32. Boxing Day in the UK has nothing to do with the sport of boxing and everything to do with boxing up gifts and presenting them to people who are less fortunate.
33. One of the largest landslides in Canadian history occurred in 1903 with the Frank Slide, when 44 million tons of rock fell. It buried an entire village and killed 70–90 people. A horse named Charlie survived a month buried underground following the landslide, but it ultimately perished from being overfed oats and brandy by its rescuers.
34. As a general rule, the average number of times paper may be recycled is seven. After that, the fibers become too short and fragile to be reused. This is due to the fact that paper fibers degrade and become weaker with each recycling cycle, and some fibers are lost altogether during the recycling process.
35. Pruno is a popular illegal beverage among incarcerated prisoners in the USA. To make it, they ferment fruit, sugar cubes, bread, and water in a ziplock bag for several days.
RE: Fact #4 (Sigmund Freud) – Austria was never “occupied” by Germany. The Austrian people voted 98% in favor of the union. When the election of a majority is present then “occupation” isnt possible.