Random Revelations: Article #346- 35 Quirk & Query: Amazingly True Random Facts

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261966 Palomares B-52 Crash

1966 Palomares B-52 Crash

In 1966, the United States Air Force lost 4 hydrogen bombs above Palomares in Spain, after a midair collision. Two of these bombs spread radioactive material, including plutonium-239, over a wide area. A large amount of contaminated Spanish soil was removed, packed up, and shipped to the US.

27. Grave Wax is formed by a chemical reaction that turns the fat in your thighs and butt into a soap-like substance after a decade in a coffin.

28. Ancient Egyptians believed that the heart recorded all of the good and bad deeds of a person's life, and was needed for judgment in the afterlife. They believed that after death, the heart was weighed against the feather of Maat and if a person had led an unjust life, their heart was deemed too heavy to enter paradise.

29. The warty comb jellyfish also known as the sea walnut is the only creature with a disappearing butt. Its anus is not visible until it is pooping.

30. The original Pennsylvania Station (1910-1963) in New York enabled direct rail access to New York City from the south for the first time. It was considered a masterpiece of the Beaux-Arts style and one of the great architectural works of NYC. Its loss galvanized the historic preservation movement.

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31Harvey Comics

Harvey Comics

Harvey Comics, the creators of Casper, sued Columbia Pictures, alleging their Ghostbusters logo was too similar to Fatso from the Ghostly Trio. Harvey sought $50m and the destruction of all copies of the film.

32. There is a town in Northern Canada called "Ragged Ass Road" named after prospectors who would come home from the goldfields "ragged ass broke."

33. Opa-Locka is a city in Miami-Dade County, Florida, that has the largest collection of Moorish Revival architecture in the Western Hemisphere, and street names such as Sharazad Boulevard, Sinbad Avenue, and Sultan Avenue.

34. After the original Stars on the 'Hollywood Walk of Fame' were placed in 1962, no further were installed until 1968. This was largely because of the fact that the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce that ran the program couldn't agree with the City of Los Angeles on a process for adding new Stars.

35. In the LG Mobile World Cup which was held in 2010, 13 international teams competed for prize money of $130,000 and the participants competed for having the best texting speed and accuracy.


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