Random Revelations: Article #343 – 30 Random Realities: True Facts You Won’t Believe

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26Hula Hoop

Hula Hoop

Hula hoop isn't simply a fad from the 1950s. Hoops have been twirled by adults and children since at least 500 B.C.

27. In the UK, it is a legal requirement for at least 5% of all broadcasts on a channel to be in sign language. At least 10% must have an audio description. This is on top of a requirement for 90% of programs to be subtitled.

28. On May 25, 1979, American Airlines Flight 191 crashed into an open field after the plane engine fell off during take-off. This caused the plane to rotate left and fly sideways until it plunged to the ground. With 273 fatalities, it is the deadliest aviation accident in U.S. History.

29. There is an asteroid (technically, a minor planet having a diameter of ≈250 km) named '10199 Chariklo' that has its own ring system. It is the smallest known celestial body to have a ring system.

30. Pluto's moon, Charon, has a rusty red section crowning its polar region. New Horizons investigators discovered that it comes from methane gas escaping from Pluto's atmosphere due to its weak gravity and freezing on Charon.


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